Wednesday, May 28, 2008 @8:35 AM
@8:08 AM
People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 ppl to do this quiz & those who are tagged cant refuse. These ppl must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person who they were tagged by.
#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
i will smack him right in the balls and splash him with acid.MUAHAHAHAA
#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? !!
erm.. i wish. i wish. i dont really know.
#3. What will your dream wedding be like?
hmm wow haven't thought THAT FAR yet..
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
ya think.
#5. What's your ideal lover like?
A GREAT SENSE OF HUMOUR. must must must make me laugh everyday ^^ and also loyal duh.. MUST MUST LOVE ME haha kinda hot of course. and also taller than me. and muscular but not like those body builder type like just nice with biceps and triceps OMG hot.
#6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
BOTH i think
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
erm.. depends on who
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
find someone else..
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
#10. If you had a choice, what kind of family you want to be born into?
definitely a high status family, rich and lovable NOT obnoxious..
#11. Is being tagged fun?
no. -.- unless i am like hell bored like now.
#13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
#14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
well he is funny weird and like to whistle alot
#15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
single and rich like DUH that will be so awesome so i can party all night i am not a very committed person, so...
#16. What's the first thing you do every morning?
open my eyes to see if i am alive
#17. Would you give all in a relationship?
NO i still have my pride okaye!!! unless i am married if not I WILL NOT LOSE MY VIRGIN
#18. Do you live to love, live to hate or live for the sake of living?
live to love^^
#19. What type of friends do you like?
erm... funny, out going, understandable, not annoying, smart, loving, well all those is total bullshit la. i presently dont know what kind of friends i want either.
#20. What type of friends do you dislike?
liars, annoying, aiya keep it simple la those like me... i hate my character. THERE YOU GO
1) jasline
2) germaine
3) ginny
4) debs
5) jialing
6) hwee min
7) jess
8) suvd
@7:02 AM

my rashes... gross right.. looks like warts..

check out my phone!! omg i love it

yo babaye relax~

*glaring at each other*

jasline: I WHACK YOU AH.. eaagan: I BEAT YOU!!

and yes he was hitting her boobs.. poor jasline


whoa~ jasline fierce sehh


want some of this? 7-up+barley

my oh so cute cousin eaagan..

eating eating eating

walk away babaye

jasline tying ahyi's hair

look at the fish!! xD

i am still wondering what is germaine doing...

what a super random shot

caught them talking xD

retarded people.

jasline and ahyi!!!!

my adorable cousins ^^ ginny and germaine

captain's ball

this book rocks!
check out this retarded pig--napittha
hello bo liao people reading my blog..some updates in my life
well finished reading the first gossip girl and is like damn scandal la!! gonna follow the prequel like duh!! is a great book!!! recommended for 15&above xDD
today's basketball was shit la! i think i must run every day to build up my stamina.. JIA YOU.. and intensive camp is a stay in..NOOO but i hope it will be fun no wake up in the middle of the night and tell us to run stairs hor..!
tomorrow will be a very packed day. stupid IT music thingy.. lame. and maths extra class and basketball IN THE AFTERNOON gonna be like damn hot. TAN TIME! lol need to get darker like jia ling.. NICE TAN~ jealous jealous..
started on my holiday homework already WHOO haha did a little science and chinese can you believe it? lol cut the news paper article but not the doing part and a little of compo
yup thats all oh had this really ugly rashes is like super duper freaky la. i took a photo of it.. like.. be totally freaked out.
this friday having this high school musical shootout competition thingy. but i am not playing just go there support support!! whoo then maybe go to popular and buy my gossip girl and mediator WHOOO then maybe go novena SHOPPING aww man kinda missed it. went to those online shopping websites and DAMN my fingers are itchy i seriously need shopping la...
err... yea so shall upload pictures
oh and i saw..... HIM TODAY yayayayayayayayayayay!
also went to man yi's house to slack slack watched step up2 and like lie down and all hwee min went off early to go on a date with raymond and debs and peiqing came later. 'pleasant surprise' then peiqing had to go home. so left jialing debs and me and man yi's house then watch tong xin yuan haha and sweet life of zack and cody and also da chang jin lol yes we were that bored. hmmm yea
dont be too close to me cause imma bitch WHOO!
yay have a date with cousins ^^
Friday, May 23, 2008 @7:36 AM
so camp was alright la...
first day sian sian one... stupid guy was looking at me. tsk kinda pointed the middle finger haha. mmm so met the instructor, a female one, she so enthu, kinda scared of her xD. then waited for dunno what before going on the bus to the campsite then when we finally reached there was like damn surprised la is like freaking small?? haiyoo then super duper hot la sweat like shit in the so called hall? yea so first day errr did the heritage race thingy? goodness me is like damn tiring la walk like dunno how many kilometres? sweating like shit and when it is finally bathing time everyone was like running to the bath haha yay got to bathe first!! so damn refreshing la. then my leg was aching like shit had difficulty sleeping at first but then went into deep sleep after that. at night it was hot like shit. was very surprised
woke up at dunno what time then bathe ate breakfast then went for high elements was really excited. i am not really scared of heights though. but didnt get to do the log thingy and had to do this really loose rope thingy that was really tough to balance and had to squat my way there haha. after that went to absailing? i think oh wait had to do this caterpillar thingy and i tore my hand skin. pretty gross though and i bit my lip and plucked the skin out-gross. then dunno did what and what la. then bathe had difficulty sleeping that night. but slept in the end. oh yea campfire was great although sat until butt pain. but it was just like sec 1 campfire, me, naps and hwee min were high. haha sway i had to sit in front.. they started whacking me. sad then i swing my arm back and hit hwee min's armpit xDD damn funny la then hwee min and naps were doing some very funny faces wah liao laugh until stomach pain. oh and suvd was "sick" aww poor thang great acting girl--two thumbs up. we were the last group to perform la. wah liao damn tiring to wait you know. ahh how nice was it when it was sec 1 when we didnt know anything or anyone we were so innocent, went to camp with no worries about friendship and all cause we were all new friends. how time flies.
finally went home la. had to clean the toilet and the boys had to clean up shit which was at the drain there.
GROSS LA. disgusting only. then waited for them to finish cleaning up.
then went to school err something something, then have chinese homework. sian..... had some student counsellor thingy didnt want to go cause it was another camp -.- finally went home slept then read my storybook was finishing already
today went to collect report book sian need to wake up so early just to collect the report book. had morning assembly and alot of announcements. was really sleepy la haven't really woke up fully. then took my report book rose in class position but dropped in level position but improved my overall so it was ok. congrats to angelina for getting 1st in standard again! and hwee min for rising to second in level! you worked hard for it ((: and queenie for finally getting what she deserves i guess.. lol but congrats to you guys for making the class proud and standing at its position (: well done
so went home and read my book, yay finished! time for
gossip girl! haha then slept then ate lunch then bathed. boring old day. oh have tuition tomorrow -.- then going to some captain's ball match? at 2.30... errr just go for fun. although i dont feel like going out these few days, i dont know why.
where did i go wrong i lost a friend...i am now neutral to everyone, no grudgesi hope that you guys can be ok with each other soon
@5:06 AM
well today woke up. brush teeth. pissed. read book till 12+ ate CURRY CHICKEN with bread ^^ yummy!! after that packed my camp stuff.. was finding for my sleeping bag. called debs to ask her something. i still
havent chosen should i wear cargo or track pants...
argh. i scared i spilt my cargo although it is more fashionable than track pants but track pants are more comfortable to wear when doing those elements.
argh. headache. i think i shall go with track la.
tahan fashion for a while
xDafter packing which i finish at 5
argh have to squash all into a bag. and i had a seriously hard time finding the sleeping bag i was sweating and sweating cause
apparently mum told me it was in this cupboard in my
bro's room which had winter clothes and my mum said it was inside there so i took out all the winter clothes which was stacked up and i couldn't find it!!!!! then i just threw all the clothes back into the cupboard hoping it wont fall then shut the door. then i told my mom it is seriously not there then she said if she finds it she is gonna whack me then i was like I TOOK OUT ALL THE CLOTHES
LEH DONT HAVE then she give me the look then went up to my
bro's room then she was like oh yea
hor it's here (another room) then i was
WAH LIAO MAKE ME SWEAT then she said sweat good
mah then i was like wiping my sweat on her then i say make me sweat la
nahhh... wiping on her
haha then i took my sleeping bag and went down.
hahaafter finally all the sweat thingy damn today's weather sure is hot hot hot so went to take a cool shower
SHIOK then went to continue reading my book
wah liao i read until i want to tear the book lo the mum in the book damn fuck
TSK. i feel like strangling the mum and the
stepdad god dammit!
argh!!! poor girl la!
ahhh so on
okaye so after reading my book went to run.
yay improved by a minute!! then went to bathe and ate frog legs porridge for dinner....AND BROCCOLI then came to blog
watching arena and tomorrow gonna mimic the
ang moh slang
WHOO slang slang!!
camp. tomorrow. shit. bore.
"cannot wait for camp tomorrow yippee!"
Sunday, May 18, 2008 @6:46 AM
ok i know what you guys want to knowdebs is not my best friend we just knew each other like what 7 months? how do you expect me to call her my best friend? we are just close that doesnt mean we are what best friend PLEASE dont ASSUME. it is not good to have a wrong ASSUMPTION. get your facts right please. i didnt even tell her that she is my best friend neither did i tell you people that she is my best friend. she is just my close goodie good friend. maybe if we are still as close in another 2 years time then maybe she'll be my best friend but not now. so stop questioning about it yea? stop bugging on this kind of thing can it is really annoying. you are just adding the pressure and the problems in my hectic mind. its adding up and adding up so stop the scandalous gossips and your fucking whatever opinions can? please save a life here before i jump down from a building or overdose myself with sleeping pills okaye?! although i think i am too young to die but still if i keep having these pressures so save a life here please and thank you.FUCK
@5:01 AM
so its sunday, yet again
woke up and read my book. then went to chinatown to eat lunch
went to medi-ya to buy beef and pork for steamboat tonight. after that went home.
continue reading, whoo finishing le i think i can finish by tonight
after that went to sleep woke up at 6 and ran again same thing.
came back bathed and ate STEAMBOAT! yum yum ate alot of porky and i think my run went down the drain but its ok haha. then came to blog
mmmm sunday nothing much happenings though...
thinking of what to do tomorrow... vesak day... i think gonna read my book and run again.
i just realise that running is a really good remedy of my very hectic mind. so i take my 'pills' every day and i think i would be okaye. my mind is 20% cleared on my way to recovery. i hope i dont have white hair coming out. i think i want to go to the rehab but too bad i dont take drugs.. haiix.
watching MTV and looking at hot royals. damn just realise prince william is really really drop dead gorgeous!!! and then some prince of err another country 22 years old who is also freaking hot *faints* both rich and hot. jealous. jealous.
just give me some time, let's start anew.
Saturday, May 17, 2008 @7:39 AM

that retarded guy lo...


dark dark dark side

green with envy

my table!

guess who??

THAT IS MY MUM. how scary

the blue blue sky...

this picture rocks!
what an ordinary saturday
had tuition at 8. tired
then went to sleep lol then woke up at 11+ and ate lunch at united square, while waiting for mum to finish her yoga lesson, dad and me when to popular, well, he went to challenger and i went to popular. got like 4 books mediator 3(finally can get it after all these 'years'), chicken soup: the real deal(AHH cannot believe they sell it here!), ugly(some really sad story) and last but not least GOSSIP GIRL ahh i know i am slow in getting that book, haiix singapore haven't got the gossip girl tv series yet... hmmm so shall read. gonna be AWESOME. but reading that after i finish the mediator. so ate lunch, i forgot what i ate. i think noodles. then went home. went to read my book then slept again until 6. then i decided to run so when to the park beside my house (the shorter route) ran 4 times, i didnt know how long i ran-as in the length but i knew i ran for 10 minutes so i guess it ain't very far. so came back bathe and dad decided to treat me dinner for doing well in my mid years ^^ so ate SUSHI TEH at big splash AND OH i saw my kindergarten!!! ahhh!!! chilten house @ big splash! OMG!!! shift from thomson to big splash?! totally. NICE!!! is like HUGE ah~ miss my kindergarten.... anywayz i saw mark, mark chia at united square didnt know he still goes to learning lab, he is in raffles squash team WOW i think he saw me cause he kinda keep looking away from me xD i think he grew taller though.
so after eating sushi teh stupid brother said he need to go home asap to shit and after that go to ZOUK. he needs to go there before 10. zzzz so went home. skipped the chendol. mah fan lo that guy.
he's an idiot finish a carton of milk in one day
ok i admit that there is something wrong with me, i dont know what it is seriously, it cannot be because of my studies. neither is it my friends, i doubt it is because of that girl. no it can't be. is it because of.. of..guys...? no no no. cannot be. maybe? HAIYA i dont even understand myself how would you expect me to tell you how do you expect me to show you how do you expect me to express myself when i dont even know what the fuck is wrong with my mood. one explanation. puberty. fuck that man. tsk. i seriously have nothing left to say. what exactly do people understand me. i dont get it, is it the way i act? the way i talk? the way i express myself? ok sorry alright i prefer keeping it to myself and i dont like to tell people and i dont have that kind of trust yet to the people around me. man how i wish i could be like napittha. so free and boring. sometimes i feel that she may be boring but like she is so let loose type of attitude which i want to be. although of course she would have some problems but still on the outside it appears to be that way. napittha-my idol ((:
well it appears to be that way.
i am sick. mentally not physically
Friday, May 16, 2008 @7:14 AM
You see you searching for somebody
That'll take you out and do you right
Well come here baby and let daddy show you what it feel like
You know all you gotta do is tell me what you sippin' on
And I promise that I’m gonna keep it comin’ all night long
Lookin’ in your eyes while you walk the other side
And I think that shorty I’ve got a thing for you
Doin’ it on purpose winding and workin’ it
I can tell by the way you lookin’ at me girl
I wanna make love in this club
(make love in this club, in this club, in this club)
I wanna make love in this club
(in this club, in this club, in this club)
You got some friends rollin’ wit you baby then that's cool
You can leave them with my niggas let em know that I got you
If you didn’t know, you’re the only thing that’s on my mind
Cuz the way I'm staring miss you got me wantin to give it to you all night
Lookin’ in your eyes while you walk the other side
I can't take it no more
Baby I'm coming for you
You keep doin’ it on purpose winding and working it
If we close our eyes it could be just me and you
I wanna make love (in this club in this club, in this club)
I wanna make love (in this club in this club, in this club)
I wanna make love (in this club, in this club, in this club)
I wanna make love in this club (in this club, in this club)
I’m what you want, I’m what you need
He got you trapped, I’ll set you free
Sexually, mentally, physically, emotionally
I’ll be like your medicine, you’ll take every dose of me
It’s going down on aisle 3, I’ll bag you like some groceries
And every time you think about it you gon’ want some more of me
About to hit the club, make a movie yeah rated R
Pulled up like a trap star,
That's if you have yo regular car
You wanna make love to a thug in the club with his Sice on
87 jeans and a fresh pair of Nikes on
On the couch, on the table, on the bar, or on the floor
You can meet me in the bathroom yeah you know I’m trying go
Tonight it's ...
If we keep touching like this
I know you scared
They don't know what we doin
Keep it up girl I swear
I'ma give it to you none stop
And I don't care who's watchin
[i find the beat really addictive]
@5:45 AM
well today last day of school before going to sec 2 camp and also the holidays..
HE CAME TODAY finally~ stupid idiotic bastard. tsk. argh
but kinda happy to see him but only saw him for what a minute.. damn. should have followed angie and feiting but then confirm will pee in my pants so luckily.
mmmmm nothing much history was funny haha alot of people in our class stuffed tissue in their ears to block the noise from mr rahman's 'oh so nice' voice haha loving it -.- i got a picture of hweee min stuffing her ear with tissue xD damn funny! but unfortunately i forgot to bring my handphone down so shall put it in my blog tomorrow... also i took a picture which is damn scary totally freaked out when i saw it too xD
almost slept when i was waiting for my mee pok to come damn sleepy. ate lunch. went home. read a bit of newspaper. couldn't take it anymore so went to sleep. woke up at 4+ bathed then continue my korean drama. finally finished. ahh happy ending again! haiix. how i wish my love life can be a korean drama okaye the happy happy type not the tragic love story
omg watching the click 5 music video jenny ahhh fell in love with joey zehr again! HAIIYO
mmmmm have to go to camp no choice. how saddening, POSITIVE ATTITUDE okaye i just want the toilet to have doors can liao other than that i dont really care.
ARIES - The Daredevil (Mar 21 - April 19)Energetic.Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic. Fun. Loves a challenge. EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish. Short fuse. (Easily angered.) Lively, passionate, and sharp wit. Outgoing. Lose interest quickly - easily bored. Egotistical. Courageous and assertive. Tends to be physical and athletic.
haha very true leh xD so scary
Thursday, May 15, 2008 @4:31 AM
ok so today went out 'great' i mean like saw a cockroach in the canteen. zzz CLEAN THE SCHOOL PLEASE!
had a very long morning assembly which was really boring. *yawns* got to bring back science paper.
er PE was great, get to play basketball match ^^ then recess played for a while then went to makan.
after recess saw my english paper for the first time.. mmm passed my compre and summary WOW.
lit.. saw my paper for the first time too and i had to write ALL the corrections in one period WAHH hand damn pain!!! then mrs ezekiel talked to me about the lit presentation thing AND she gave some ideas and WHOA LA i have one which i thought it was really funny! although the idea was from her i had no choice cause i was really lazy to think. ok so i need 9 people in my group i think i know who. i hope we can cooperate well and no conflicts or what not, we are not friends or enemies but classmates and teammates so dont blame one another or just because there is someone in the team which you really hate to the core that you dont want to be in team, well its not worth it. lets hope it will go well.
got my maths results too mmmm ok ok la although it was lower than what i expected but still it is ok made alot of careless mistake. hmm. oh well. so have 14 points altogether, counted really high. i dunno my english is B3 or B4 but i counted as B4.
dad said it was very good and said i could have a present, but i dont have anything to buy. anyway i think i shouldn't buy anything as~ (confidential)
then had basketball -.- pure torture but i bit my lip and tolerate. ran real slowly cause my thighs were hurting, i think i overstretched it. it doesn't seem to be better after the run instead it got worse and more painful. then did the usual stuff, long time didnt do left hand lay-up and i totally forgot how to do and did it real slow.... ahh. there will be an intensive training camp during the holidays.. hmmm it will be PURE TORTURE camping in school hmm.. freaky. wanna camp in the field! so cool!! 'cannot wait for pure torture'
didn't talk much during basketball and you may wonder why well these are the reasons
1) haven't seen someone for a week now[wondering where the hell did he go...]
2) -confidential-
3) my thighs hurt like fuck cannot walk properly.
4) too tired to talk=no breath
5) maybe just maybe it is PMS
i think that's all
i take back what i said, everything, i thought i found my best friend but i was wrong. then i thought i found another one. but i was wrong again, i guess it needs more time to find the perfect one. now i know that now no one is my best friend. what is a best friend? what makes one to be a best friend? that will be i guess telling every single shit about you to them and trust them and know that they will be there for you and also care for you and take you seriously. and give you the right and correct advice. well i havent found that one yet. well everyone is just a friend or maybe better a good friend, i find that i cannot tell everything to a person but somethings to this person and another thing to another person not all my problems to one person. so sometimes i think the best 'thing' to talk to is my reflection, wierd? try it. it really is comforting sometimes that you know that that 'thing' has no opinion or a certain thinking towards you or what you say. like i say i have a wonderful childhood and reminisce the past then some will think i am bragging but that 'thing' wont think about anything or wont say anything or wont give you some fucked up attitude or some stupid ass face so i think i would rather talk to my reflection, btw i ain't crazy. maybe retarded. i am still questioning though. but oh well i shall go with the flow.
sometimes i think i want a guy. but then all guys are a piece of shit.
it's good to have some time may delete blog cause i know it ain't interesting. and guess what no one cares either
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @5:30 AM


the 2 captains

BV guys playing with AHS guys btw no.12 is GOOD~

check out meng chun's butt

them again

raymond having a great time sitting on melvin

and meng chun joins in!

poor melvin

BV badminton team

BV basketball team...not all

guys taking with this super tall basketball guy

a very tall basketball lady captain..singapore player

a very tall guy basketball player... in singapore slingers. wow

him again

they took a picture with him again oh wait there is another super tall basketball guy.

a keychain from my 'loveable' brother ^.^
had this breakfast with team singapore thingy at AHS. went with fiona, debs, jialing and man yi for girls and alot more guys. how was it? well so-so la get to see tall people lol.. still wondering what they eat. hmm.. anyway AHS B'div is GOOD MAN guys and girls alike. i mean like damn. keep chopping 3 pointers.. hope the C'div is 'better' xD got stuck at AHS cause it suddenly rained like DAMN HEAVY and there was thunderstorm and all, so tell me how to go back leh... later get struck by lightning ahahaa jkjk went back at 1+ so had art? which we did nothing? boring la!
anyway smsed feiting and jess and they told me my marks.
lit---> 65.8/100(B3)[didnt really expect this high but wow...]
english--->64.4/100(B4)[improved by a grade! wow.. not sure if highest in class but who cares. improve can liao, didnt fail can liao]
told my mom about my english and she totally got a shock of her life xD surprise surprise! haha then she said she was really happy haha then my dad said the handphone was worth it ^^ glad to know! so left maths i dont think i will get a C bahh my parents say WHAT IF wahh almost fainted DONT LA!!! cannot suddenly from A drop all the way to C la!! will die you know.. so far no C yay! lets hope my maths get A la.. eek.
anyway that was the end of the day.
i dont like being called the vice captain cause i seriously am not please no being the vice captain doesnt mean you have the skills can? zz
and also what is called a team? it is working together, yes there are people who are better than others, so what, team work is working together not working alone or in what main 5. i dont get that. a team of 10 is a team of 10 not just 5 people playing or 1 is 10 if not why does a basketball team need 10? if one person get dead tired the other team mate must sub whether the coach want to kill you or what. so in all, is not about the 'main 5' is about the whole team whether you are 'lousy' or 'best in the team' everyone is the same to me.