Sunday, June 29, 2008 @5:31 AM
Saturday, June 28, 2008 @6:12 AM
heyyy yo!!!!
blogging... well managed to walk down the stairs carefully so dont worry peeps
so got a broken tendon... SOBS cannot play basketball for three months SOBS!!!!!
omg so depressing i think i am going into depression but i cant after seeing ER HUM. OMG
HE IS *faints* he like stand in front of me once AND I ALMOST FAINTED!!!! but debs held me i dont think he recognises me SOBS
tried to shoot without jumping or tip toeing hmmm tough. so go like very near to the ring then shoot lol easier. then i tried to chase man yi cause she snatched the ball from me then WHOOPS wrong angle then something in the knee moved made my whole leg wobbly. BUT didnt fall phew. but it IS REALLY PAINFUL!!!!!! ouch ouch but luckily going to see the doc that day, massage like really nice xDD
errr... i am like cutting short the post.. i think i missed out alot alot of things but nvm cause busy now so will post the things i missed out soon.
Monday, June 23, 2008 @5:26 AM
first day of school.
i have bangs.
everyone didnt recognise me.
suvd also cut bangs. miss ho also
haha she is like damn funny la, when spot check that time she looked at me and like EHH~ then she pat her bangs then i laughed then i could her debs laughter like.. VERY LOUD.
after the what seems to be very long morning assembly, we finally get to go to our classroom. ooo have baby blue ^^ AND AND AND penguin's class is just opposite my class except on the fourth floor WHOOO AND I'VE GOT DA PERFECTO VIEW WHOOHOO and i saw him
LIKE OMG HE LOOKS SUPER OOBER HOT HOT H-O-T almost fainted xDD he become like really skinny =0 actually i saw him at the last day of camp and when he was slowly walking in the d&t room i was screaming my ass off LIKE OMG i cannot believe i was looking at him *faints* wheee in penguin land
ASSEMBLY haiix i dont get it why is it wrong to be rude on your own blog. seriously. since SELF-MUTILATION cannot. then some people(like me) need to vent the anger on something or someone. and if we vent it on someone IS THE SAME as writing on the blog cause SOMEONE is gonna get hurt. so is really stupid la what i think that it is wrong to have vulgarities in your own personal space/blog and rude behaviour i mean i can understand about the rumours and racist omg. racist i tell you if anyone is racist just send them to jail la. useless people. rude behaviour is totally acceptable, from what i think. and and is totally stupid really really FOOLISH if you scolding someone in your blog, you write their names. seriously IS REALLY REALLY STUPID. just think about it.. USE THE COMMON SENSE.
after that thought we'd missed the match and left the last quarter everyone ran to the taxi and ran all the way to the basketball court end up it was only the second quarter -.- but we were losing, as expected but we still did well 30+ points WELL DONE GUYS is really good really! i mean i dont think i can score that well if against anglican. but i think you can win BG and TK JIA YOU!! and jia you for US GIRLS TEAM!! first 2 matches are our AIM TO WIN!!! then the next 2 we must get at least THE MINIMUM 20.. so JIA YOU!! WHOO i am really really shocked that tomorrow is our game thinking of it makes every single hair on my body stand and also shivers down my spine.. i cannot believe it, it's like a blink of an eye and IT'S THE GAME ah crap.. just hope tomorrow will be a lucky lucky day for
HWEE MIN(chop 3 point ^^)
DEBS(chop 3 point too ^^)
CHAI FONG(chop every ball^^)
JIA LING(do lots of nice nice moves)
PEIQING(chop 3 point for...ER HUM xD)
HUI HUA(get rebound! remember the play!! dont anyhow anyhow run can liao xDD) haha WHOOO go 8thousand army!! xDD
haha oh unlucky day for man yi SHE LOST A BUNCH OF KEYS LIKE. hOW?! haiix.. always loose your things one leh you.. but hope you get to find it back which is like.. A MIRACLE but.. xD
JIA LING AHH you.. keep egytian-ing around BO LIAO LEH. KAORI you are like damn horny can.. want me to upskirt jia ling xDAMIRA is mentally retarded.SUVD is... horningly retarded xDDNAPS is.. boringingly retardedASHIKIN is. hyper-ly retardedhaha the retarded co.
DEBS is.. mentally crazy.PEIQING is.. cutting her nails like no one's businessHWEE MIN is.. indian-ing around -.-haha these people are seriously crazy.
haiix today didnt see AH BOON xD
but assembly.. haiix keep penguin-ing, boon-ing, wahh but i the only one there so cannot laugh, but the penguin thing i laugh with willie. CLUB PENGUIN!
OH YEA i was like rushing and rushing until i forgot to take my compo under the table.. FUCK! tomorrow so dead D-E-A-D i can like smell my doom! ahhhhh~
lost my travel form too -.- KAOKAOKAO bloody fuck!
i hope tomorrow.. would be a better day >.<
deborah is very nonsense xDD(there blogged about you)
PENGUIN IS HOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOT!ps you are such a fucktard you know? just fuck yourself la diao diao diao.. dig your fucking eyeballs your know. what the fuck did i do to you can. now then open your piehole. 'how brave' purposely want to suan me right. fuck you. ooo~ i am so scared~ ahh~ *piss in pants* sucha bitchass la you...
i swear across my heart not to gossip anymore.
Saturday, June 21, 2008 @7:16 AM
heyyoo what's up
came back from camp, basketball camp. it was. err i dunno how to describe. some really funny times. some totally sucked. coach gave me a shirt.. i was like sooo shocked when he shoved it into my hand. i was so touched, i almost cried, totally out of words. so once i came back BAM lied dead on my bed. woke up at 8 to eat dinner then watched ANTM at 10 WHOO!! after that slept till 11 the next day to go for a haricut. the women asked if i wanted to cut bangs as it will look nice on me.. now, kind of regret but is something different. but, i still dont think it fits me. just have to wait for another 4 months for my bangs to grow. sobs. will pin up when going to school.. xDD i look like a guy la.. hmmm reborn too cut short too.. had self training today, hot like I DONT KNOW WHAT wahhh cannot stand it.. burnt already lo.
oh oh last week went to granny's house to stay HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE. it was the only time during the holiday i was very very happy. i tell you me and my cousins laugh until ahh whoa stomach muscle damn pain la. haha gonna post the video when germs and ginny were fighting.. -.- they purposely did it in front of the cam. xDD funny people. oh and jas kept laughing and laughing la for i don't know what reason. xD then ah yi is like damn FUNNY LA although she back pain but she still make me laugh until i cannot stand it xDDD
so went to bugis street to walk walk first then bought 2 tees. jas didnt buy anything there.. dunno what happened to her but forced her to buy when we went to vivo and she ended up buying a shirt that looks something like mine -.- xDD yay have same shirt SISTERS!!! ((:
tomorrow watching movie with her YAY!! whoa i tell you ahh the holidays are damn sucky la. i have freaking lots of things to WATCH movies, dramas. i tell you. SO MUCH THINGS TO WATCH SO LITTLE TIME!! haiix first few weeks couldn't do anything cause had basketball and tuition most of the time so very tired. then had like a few days then went to granny's house after that basketball camp and now. SCHOOL REOPENING LIKE WHAT THE HELL. i am having mixed feelings about school reopening cause i dunno what is going to happen.. classroom system.. well everything's gonna change la.. once school reopen competition starts-.- super duper exhilarating la. must remember play. shoot free throws.. lan di.. stress stress somemore this time the jersey is like. WHOA sooo bloody big. haiix..
anyway. need to jian fei somemore.. will continue running and my normal before sleep workout. but doing that after the competition cause i scared i hurt myself then die liao. everyone kill me.. xDD
errrr did i leave out anything?? mmm nothing liao
eh. how do you expect me to tell you everything when you dont tell me a single shit. you dont even know what's going on. i am just doing what is right. let your imagination go wild ok? i cannot stop the way you think. you want me to explain? explain what exactly. what i've done wrong or what you've done wrong. that is your opinion to the things. get your facts right. i thought i made a right decision, but coming to think about it. i think i was wrong. it was all wrong. everything. it was nice at first just like a favourite song, but when i keep listening to it, it gets old.
i spilled out everything yet you dont see it. is it that contradicting?
you were not the same person i thought you would be.
i see the bad in everything
the old eunice is dead. except the new.
when i saw him. i screamed.
your smile inspires me ((:
ps. i dont treat my friends like trash & whatd'ya know about me?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @7:12 AM
had basketball training today.
was shit. it was i tell you freaking hot lah! needa run 2 & 1/2 rounds in 20 mins. failed by 50 secs.. cannot take it la is super tiring... but i think can pass on thursday..
YAY cannot wait to go to ming yi's house tomorrow!!! i know i know have class outing but i dont see the need to go =x sorry... so maybe going back at 4+ then run. yay again for finally having an even tan!! woohoo!
cannot wait to see ming yi it has been ages since i last saw her ((:
OHOH. i think i know who my movie buddy is KEKEKE... JA SI LIN!! xDD but dunno she free anot.. nvm can discuss this thursday anyway ((: I AM SO EXCITED! finally have something to be happy about ^^ is jasline not free then my movie buddy will be my pups cause we already have a movie date since like.. what.. after exams? xDD
oh and yesterday we had err self training MAN YI IS CRAZY I TELL YOU her home u training is just... just... tiring la.. played for a very long time lol and was quite high in the end xDD oh have new basketball shoes. BLACK. NIKE. AIR!!!! haha! love it love it love~ it! woohoo!! but it is making my toes really painful.. and my ankle.. no actually is the back of the ankle.. dunno what you call that xD then my calf hurts now.. and shoulder and back and thighs OUCH OUCH OWWW ahh body ache!!! so anyway after the erm.. training, i bathed, then lie on my bed, then ate, then slept for a while, then read my book(finished my 3rd book!! reading my 4th book!! whoo!) then was day dreaming, then ate biscuit, then watched korean drama and ate biscuit and drank water haha then ate dinner then watch friends then blogged!! whoo what an interesting life right? i know..
anyway while watching tv i had an sms A SUPER SHOCKING SMS WHICH SHOCKED THE SHIT OUT OF ME anyway i was like really shocked la... I SERIOUSLY CANNOT BELIEVE THAT GUY MAN! anyway she said she was okaye. and i believed her. anyway I WILL ALWAYS BE HERE FOR YOU!! if he had another girl i am soo gonna bash her up like a mash potato. period.
now i know the meaning of nothing last forever. i mean seriously NOTHING last forever not even friendship. you might say OOO FRIENDS FOREVER but when you leave school and 5 years down the road you see each other walking past the traffic light. you think it is just another person walking past you I MEAN SERIOUSLY. since friendship doesn't last forever, how about LOVE i mean YEA it doesnt last. that is why i dont want to have a boyfriend whoo! me and napittha thought about it and agreed.. although we want to know what it feels like being loved we dont want to be heartbroken too so.. yea I DONT WANT TO HAVE A BOYFRIEND. end. wow. anyway naps is my IDOL!! although she goes out talking and talking all day long haha but on the bright side she doesnt have a boyfriend and hasn't lost her first kiss at that age. give a round of applause to napittha. WHOO! big fan big fan! xDD
so yea that is what i think. anyway now i think family is really important. it is sooo important that once you lose it, you might never have that kind of...feeling while on the other hand if you lose a friend you can have another friend and have a feeling of friendship again. so now i feel i need to spend more time with my family, treasure them like never before, listen to them. call me pampered child, call me spoilt, call me mama's girl or daddy's girl for ALL I CARE. well BE JEALOUS PUNKS cause i have the most love from MY PARENTS and i love it, and i dont want to lose it. no one can take it away from me. when i reborn and come back into this world again, i want to have the same parents i have, cause they are perfect parents whoo!!
oh yesterday i saw my bro at the bus stop haha WAH LIAO DIDNT WAIT FOR ME. he was leaving the house too i saw him lying at the coach in the living room playing his psp and i know he was going out, so i went to take my basketball shoe downstairs and when i got up he was gone -.- how considerate. TSK. so i walked alone to the bus stop wth my basketball then i saw him at the bus stop opposite then i ran to him up the overhead bridge and finally caught him. he was sitting the waiting for the bus, then i hit him with the ball then i asked him where is he going then he said something i couldn't really hear though then he asked me the same thing then he looked at me then he asked me why my training so late then i said it was self training then he was oh.. then there was a moment of silence, then i showed him my shoe and he was like nice~ how much then i said $99 plus somemore discount and he was like nodding his head then he said not bad not bad anyway he said he will be buying me running shoes in taiwan since it is cheaper!! an also buy me a ugly keychain!! yay!! then no.12 came and i went he said bye i said bye and that was the last time i saw him. i think he went back camp or something. sad.
oh his gf bought donuts from australia whoo! is like super sweet lah! although i cannot really tell the difference between the donuts in singapore and australia but the australian donuts are way sweeter than ours which i think is a bad thing? i prefer not to be really sweet but i like the taste xD. well this week fully packed staying over at ah ma's this thursday after basketball until sat!!! how bloody awesome is that so will miss 2 days of workout )): nvm shall run more on sunday!! WHEEE!!
next week basketball camp -.- argh.
next next week school reopen DOUBLE argh.
haven't really spend my holidays wisely though.. thinking about it i am like on auto pilot. haiix... not a very fun holiday at all.. no wonder the newspapers are writing about it.
wow quite a long post today xD shall end here
wont be posting for a while i think, see if i can hog the lappy at ah ma's house!
Saturday, June 7, 2008 @11:50 PM
lol MISSED ME? i know you did xDD
well back to blogging about my life.
erm.. well my june holiday is really really boring i tell you...
just basketball training.. running on my own some days... reading books... watching korean dramas... YEA that is practically all.. OH and i finished my holiday assignments ^^ yay!
camp is next next week... going out with cousins on friday the 13th!! ah cannot wait! staying over at ah ma's house on thursday!! CANNOT WAIT!! i seriously think i need some shopping before i die out of boredom.. i need a movie date! so anyone can ask me out? xDD then i see if i free anot.
finish 2 thick books in 2 and a half days!!!! omg! record record~~ errr.. there was like one night that i suddenly think about boys.. boys.. hmmm great what useless creatures on earth. yea suddenly think of that how stupid I KNOW so smsed debs and told her.. and she gave me the -.- face. then she say think of er hum is it... then i was like NO..yes.. NONONOOO hmm well i actually also dunno la.. CHANGE SUBJECT.
i wanna watch kong fu PANDA xDD so cute sia.. and also get smart. FUNNY SHOW haiix need to have movie partner...
may have my haircut and rebornding of hair session this week.. YAY haiix nothing really exciting happened during the holidays.. aww sad sad
anyway oh i haven't blogged about BV bazzar anyway it was ok haha my class the sign board was a little.. small but the rest was ok. oh the satay was NICE!!! haha french fries was ok. anyway there was this CLUB and stupid amira was threatening me that if i dont go she would strip me naked cause apparently my shorts were a little loose and where dropping. the ticket fare was $4 and i only had $2 so i thought that was a very reasonable excuse that i cannot get it. BUT THEN KPO HWEE MIN went to tell the person that she can lend me another $2 then i was like staring at her. then she just smiled and me then i was like thx ah.. so after alot alot of consideration and that i didnt want hwee min's money, the person gave everyone a discount of $2 to go in and i was like er... argh. mission failed. so i went in in the end -.- zzz it was like really dark inside with err "disco lights" xDD really cute and i tell you it was freezing cold inside can! then suvd came in then she pulled me to dance and we danced together? was really high at one point of time haha then everyone suddenly left so i left too. then was really hungry then went to eat hot dog and nasi lemak then suddenly feiting called me and asked me where am i then i said at the locker there the high table then she came to find me... then jess and yi jun followed then suddenly.. THEY THROW WATER BOMB AT ME. actually they ask for my handphone first how 'considerate' .. then was wet. grrr evil...then rain!!!! right after the bazaar finish so coincidental! xD then alot of people play in the rain xDD oh suvd lost her hp.. wow. poor girl.. such a new phone. sad
went home after that was really wet bathe! then slept i think.
haiix you know what.. i just suddenly think i need a... i need something.. how random (((:
Monday, June 2, 2008 @6:29 AM
pathman and the cap of
singapore slingers. and the host

them again
pathman shooting

i think that is debs

the cap shooting

this is a nice photo


autograph time!

no wonder...

haha her
fav phrase

a new taste to her life

forgot about the quotes.. anyway this is
hwee min

what a horny cheerleader suit

order up!

still thinking...

now it became a group discussion
hwee min and
chemie hidden at the back of the menu
swensens and the view

a random picture

we are eating a royal feast treated by
mrs tiu!

after about like 10 attempts we finally got it

drink your H20 kiddos it is good for your health ^.^

a prank by
chemie modified by me!

my different expressions


dirty, polluted water

the unknown ghostly girl-
hwee min and blur
mrs tiu

i was bored while waiting for my ice cream..

debs ice cream

my ice cream

we were bored after eating

as you can see...

please do not try this at home

a very tall man

the boys

B' boys