Monday, July 21, 2008 @5:50 AM
hey world
today.. gave shirt to hwee min...
gave money to naps and man yi..
collected money from basketball peeps
nothing much... oh today is a very cold day! almost freeze to death!
it seems that everyday is gonna rain T.T so cold brrrr!!
errr... yea was very pissed after recess...
damn shit la. i where got everything also him what dont come and give me that kind of crap nonsense. i've been tolerating already horh dont push the limit any further.
now i know how to get back at you.. well one of you.
so.. mmmm not angry le lo cause melvin kinda cheered me up xDD we were like fighting after assembly xDD so fun! omg can't believe he scared of tickle!! so was like slapping him then he slap back then we fighting fighting then he tickle me then i JUMPED UP i am so scared of tickle can!! my goodness then he suddenly take my hand then he punch my knuckles!! OH MY TIAN super painful can!!!!! was like red and VERY PAINFUL!! then he run away but got him after that slapped him like alot of times xDD HAHA so fun!
then saw eric... wanted to tickle him but he run away the first time.. but YAY got him after that MUAHAHAHA!!! then he whacked me like damn hard like hitting shuttercock like that.! mad person.. then after that wanted to hit him then he was like RAINING RAINING!! screaming like a small kid then i was like confused.. what does raining got to do with hitting him.. then he laugh laugh laugh then run away -.- smart arse. GONNA BOX YOU!
oh there was a fight going on opposite our class OOO so cool but apparently my very 'nice' sitting position cannot really have nice view OH SOBS SOBS.. i was like looking for ER HUM then suddenly i was like OOO FIGHT then everyone look xDD whoo!! so cool but he was like standing there bai pose.. eat popcorn xDD so hot! ><>
2/4 is damn.. sick? they were playing with condoms? like... my....god... o.0 they are like THAT bored..
mmmm no mood lo today.. have headache. body ache.. maybe having dengue *gasps* cause last night have like ALOT of mosquito bite.. OH NO I'M GONNNA DIE bye peeps! xDD
oh well have to get my psp and camera before dying i will feel so much more contented dying like that whee!
mmmmmmmmm i think that's all oh and i love this pic!!

FUCK YOU!!!!!! fuckers go and bang the tree la. BOX YOU!
Sunday, July 20, 2008 @3:30 AM
OMG just got great news!!!! hwee min is my 1st CUSTOMER!! she ask to pass her 2 split tees and 1 daily fresh tee to show her mum. IS NOT EXPENSIVE!!! IS BRANDED i lose money leh >.<
heheee!! since she is my first customer she is gonna have a $1 discount!!
alot liao!! so gonna have $37 if her mum allows..
xDD anyway
i'm gonna feed my piggy back.. tomorrow gonna spend $54.40!! 1) earpiece! $15.90 2) storybook $13.50 3) prepaid card.. estimated $25 oh my
tian so much money... using my $20 allowance and $34.40 from my piggy
EEEEK poor piggy..
didnt save last week!! eat and eat and eat!! oh my my my
gonna grow really FAT
JIALING'S CHILD *gasp* he he!!
ok so i was thinking about opening something else besides selling shirts
i decided to have a RENT-A-BOOK thingy!
xDDit goes like this
so example you wanna borrow a book
so you pay $3
then you return me within 2 weeks then i return you $1
but if you pass the time limit of 2 weeks, you have to pay $1 for 1 week overdue each.
dont understand? ask me personally
xDDso will officially start next week ^.^
so i need all my books back from those peeps who borrowed from me to wrap!
xDOMG i dunno why
i'm into business but..
i dunno feel really poor now..
IF A SUPER BIG IF i have $500 this year again..
maybe buying a camera OR a
psp ^.^ if enough buy both! dad say i can use it cause is my money
OMG i am
sooooo motivated to study can! i just missed one spot in mid year.... QUEENIE!!!
haha must beat you!!
i tell you now i like to say I WANT TO BOX YOU
xDD oh
welll i am
sooo very lame OH WELL
laaa!! la la la la la~
THE END will post some super overdue pics
Saturday, July 19, 2008 @1:46 AM

a heartshaped ring with wings selling at $5!! xDD
never worn before

crowned shaped dangly earrings (never worn before) UP: $9.90 SELLING PRICE: $7!!

back view (sorry the colour is like this... camera spoilt)

the brand size--> free-size

the picture

the front view..
selling at $8
worn once

the brand--> SPLIT! size medium. recommanded for small bust people xD

the front view..
UP: about like $20+ Selling price: $16
worn once

back pic

back view.. cause of the camera and lighting the colour abit wrong

the brand size medium recommanded for small bust people xDD this is the original colour

front pic

front view
UP: $20+ Selling price: $16
worn once

back view

brand--> ABERCROMBIE!!! size Small recommended for those who have a short body

front pic

front view
selling at $9
never worn before

back view

FERRANYL!! made in
paris leh!! size L but it is small cut.
recommended for small body people
front pic

front part of shirt
selling at :$9
never worn before
i dunno why but i suddenly thought of getting rid of clothes i cannot wear =x instead of giving it away why not sell it earn more money ^.^ xDD so selling to close friends first easier to pass it to them ha ha so just trying out.. xDD BUY OKAYE?!?! xDD
Friday, July 11, 2008 @8:49 AM
it is now 11.50pm and i have a literature competition tomorrow. have to reach school by 6.30... and i'm no sleeping yet o.0 yea i know.. cause can't use the comp yet to do the powerpoint. -.- haven't been sleeping early for this whole week.. EYE BAGS ARE GETTING VISIBLE shall steal my mum's 24k gold bio essence dunno what crap and put on my face xDD oh wait can use le yay..
Wednesday, July 9, 2008 @7:17 AM
do you know you are like fucking retarded?!@?#?!@
why the fuck do you eavesdrop on people's conversation AND worse still TELL EVERYONE ABOUT IT?!
firstly IT IS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING MOTHER"S BUSINESS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. yea we all know you have this huge major crush on her and wants to know every single shit about her BUT THIS IS FUCKING PERSONAL and she hates you HATES YOU TO THE CORE go and bang the tree and wake yourself up la please COME BACK TO REALITY AND NOT LIVE IN YOUR PIGGY FANTASY!!!
dude seriously can you get a life please?????
mr know it all.
damn shit you.. she is already dammn sad and you had to rub it in by eavesdropping AND spreading around WHAT YOU KNOW LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM trying to win people's attention by doing this crap shit nonsense?!?!?@?# this is suppose to be a close matter A CLOSED SECRET and now is like something that is like.. i dunno.. NOT A SECRET what the fuck la
can you just like fucking CLOSE YOUR BLOODY EARS like. seriously?!!!!! and your pinehole JUST SHUT IT like SHUT THE FUCK UP for pete's sake DAMN IT so okaye i am running out of words so momma's helping me
so this is her opinion
okay fucker is a short ass who thinks he is oh so wanted among his "friends" that he feels he has a right to poke his fat nose and i mean literally FAT nose, into other people business and for that matter a rather BIG issue, not only that, he has decided to spread the "joy" by telling his other friend(s) about it. hmmmm, reminds you of a certain character? oh right. a fucking asshole. may i kindly remind you (not that im being to kind to you or anything) that YOU have no fucking rights to know about MY friends problems and obviously, if you overheard it unintentionally (ooops) just STFU and keep your fat ass away from her business. your cooperation is kindly appreciated.
but she's not done yet
so you decided to tell one of your supposedly "friends" about the hot gossip you heard and *OOPS* you said it too fucking loud and other people heard. who cares whether was it on purpose or accidentally. thing is, you hear something big, you know it will hurt that person if you tell anyone, you DONT share it like its a new gossip. my gawd ARE YOU A GIRL. only girls are allowed to gossip dude! next time, STFU. dont hurt anymore people like you did for the past god-knows-when. stay outa my way. if i hear anymore of you offending my friends, YOU are going to hell.
HELLYA give momma a round of applause thank you!! i was soo gonna whack his balls but apparently it was already shmall enough so.. until it grows.. xDD
this post is for a 'special' guy
Friday, July 4, 2008 @8:49 AM

someone, heidi klum, alexandra ambrosio!

well shall briefly talk about my really good day today ^^
so went to school. then went up to put my bag. then saw his class light on. whoo!!!
ok then went to hall realised that the concert is during recess. recess is like really long!! whoo!! then went to watch afew.. stupid speaker got problem cannot really hear what they were trying to sing... basket. nice song sia. then he was upstairs! then he came down! saw him! thanks feiting for the reminder!!! then went to canteen, then he was there.... then man yi sitting like very near there. then need to sit there too so. like. sat there. xDD so ps!! then after that like saw him. then something then he look then i look then AHAHHHH then after that jia ling went to him to sell some snacks!! jealous~~ then 'scolded' her then she thought real sia! xDDD jia ling why you so gulible >.<>.<>
then saw him walk out of that lo the end
then went down want to play cards cause cannot play basketball -.- so shaun lent me cards then play daidi... then apparently somebody go say behind my back say i flirt.. what the hell.. cannot play basketball what you expect me to do sia.. stand there wait for the ball or get knocked in the knee.. obviously sit at the side and play cards la. so was dominating at first then after that they go gang me... wah liao bully sia. felt like crying. then after that totally mood less, but stupid sick retarded dead shit went to cheer me up because he was being like damn bhb lo.. dumbass but damn funny la. xDD so after was high again cause i thought of penguin. xDDD omg omg omg.. then studied then played viwawa with sick retarded dead shit then watched ghost whisperer then victoria's secret OMG they are like damn sexy can!!! was like drooling over their bodies.. OOOOO have alexandra ambrosio LEH!! OMG SHE IS DAMN HOT!!!!!!!!!! have 2 pics of her.. shall post it xDD omg omg omg.. anyway got compliment by sick retarded dead shit xDDD first time sia! so touched so touched.. but still got insulted by other people.. oh well.. so anyway nothing else
OH OH did you know.. that penguin is DAMN HOT like OMG!!
eh debs....... nothing.