Saturday, August 30, 2008 @8:00 AM

@1:34 AM
well it's not 1 sept yet but just wanna say
ha ha! had celebration yesterday, and also a class party which was not so bad
we had music, pathetic amount of food, drinks and a really nice cake! although it was from prima deli, but it was DELICIOUS i loved the cream with the nuts and also the white chocolate ^.^ oh oh!! then something damn funny happened, someone sprayed at the teacher's table(which had my lappy and the cake i was sharing with suvd) then the foam were like floating down onto the cake and i was like screaming like a crazy bimbo and fanning away the foam. i probably looked damn funny cause amira and ashikin were laughing their asses off followed by suvd ha ha! we were in charge of music and suvd wanted to be the 'dj' but she was a bad one xDD hmm.. after a while hwee min told me penguin was playing basketball in the parade square. so i ran there to see whoo! hot! xDD then feiting jess and suvd shouted his name -.- zz i was having fun playing my candle, now on the floor of the first floor there are blue wax drops HEEE jess was trying to burn this guy with the wax. then no soon after we had to clean up and err sorry didnt help =x ha ha! hmm.. after that had some teachers' day celebration concert thing.. err.. it's nice, i love the drums!! i wanna play! whoo! paramore songs are the easiest to play the drums! crush... crush.. CRUSHCRUSHCRUSH NOTHING COMPARES TO~ whoo! high!! the aces day dance thing is super lame............. i dunno why... dont want to dance -.- didnt feel like dancing that time cause not with.. my friends and stuff. so was all sianned.
after that went back to primary school with feiting, saw alot of my friends BHARATHI WAS FREAKING HOT LUHH. my god.. my sexy babe. then saw.. err.. can't remember who xD actually ALOT of people ((: missed them! then saw annabelle, hiu sheung, delia, yi xiu and lyndsey. i ran towards annabelle and hugged her whooo!! long long time no see her. DELIA also. i always see yi xiu and hiu sheung in AHS sometimes lyndsey so was like shouting HI to them ha ha and laughing! xDD had a blast with them luhh!! went to walk.. slack slack, talked. played. had MASSIVE fun!! then annabelle told some SUPER LAME jokes -.- she said she was not lame.. she's damn cute! ha ha! delia also! omg lyndsey become super damn pretty luh! hiu sheung is.. A FREAKING MODEL CAN?!?! so tall.. pretty. slim.. MY GOD AND SHE SAID SHE'S FAT IS SHE OUT OF HER MIND?! she's mad -.- i have all of their pictures ^.^ shall post it soon ((((: heeeee we are planning our outing after the EOYs ^.^ can't wait! it's gonna be hell fun! yay! LOVE THEM LOADS! then we had some scandals and stuff. went home at about like 5 plus cause annabelle had tuition.
WAS DAMN TIRED when i got home ((: loved today!
had basketball training..
no fun one.
couldn't do much.
they played game.
i did nothing -.-
no fun one.
lalala my favourite shirt!


CPM x)

the dustbin in the long gang

me and jasline!


i look retarded. jasline has no eyes 0.0

i love my maternal granny! (she's funny!)

eeeee i dont like my eyes


SMILE ((((((((((((((((:




frosted glass

she's mad



jointed eye brows :>

i can seeeeeee yoouuu~


HEH HEH i love my smile! xDD
she is MINE
they are LOVED
in school!! girls toilet
D block 2nd level
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 @4:31 AM
so didnt update yesterday.. hmm
yesterday have like 3 scandals luhh!! HEEEHEEEE man. stupid feiting didn't update the gossip girl HURH!
okaye so.. yesterday wasn't a REALLY good day. stupid teacher luhh(shall not name who later kena sue) so.. this teacher.. i have noooo idea what's her problem? like.. she scolds people for reasons like.. touching a paper? not raising the hand when asked who is the MONITRESS. okaye. it's like. ZZZ LA and she like, i dunno, purposely want to make a scene? i mean she said who is the monitress, okaye so if no one answered she can like PRESUME that the monitress isn't here and say so who's the assistant monitress or something like that, and she said she ain't dumb -.-'' and how could she pull the collar of a student, HOW?! she does not have the right to do that, that's what i think. i mean seriously, just because she went to the toilet to change and was a minute late? like she didn't ask for an explanation why is she late. how unreasonable, and she keeps saying our principal's name like.. do you like him or something? you dont have to scold and scold the monitress and assistant monitress so badly, you can just tell them off but not shout and scream, are you venting your anger on them? do you have certain issues, personal issues, which you are seriously not happy about and do not have anything to vent your anger to that you have to vent it on innocent little children? HUH?! seeing people cry after getting scolded for no particular reason is really sad, like, she got accused for... practically nothing, i would say. BASKET LE DEY zz!!!
changing subject..
went for training yesterday, and i kinda twisted the knee a little.. so it was.. FUCKING PAINFUL LA, what did i do huh... i think it was the.. jumping on the sides thing? i remember when i was not injured and i did that, i had like lots of fun jumping up and down real high and fast, and now. slow... low... no fun... -.- hate it! then run backwards also cannot go so fast like i used to.. NO FUN AT ALL CAN?!?! it sucks. really. OH heard there will be a friendly against my 'favourite' school macpherson sec 'YAY' can't you see the excitement written all over my face? ._. man yi said that she will help me thrash them THANK YOU! break her knee if you can. just DONT BREAK YOURS must.. BE CAREFUL she is.. strong in the knee area man. zzz i wanna play i wanna play i wanna play!!!!!!! backside la. dunno when can i play, when i can get back to the normal training, when i can do a reverse lay-up(i can't seems to get it right -.-) bloody difficult luhh!! hate it hate it. zzzz feel like giving up, my knee doesn't seem like it's recovering, although when i i squat, i mean like put on weight on the left knee it doesn't hurt! only after 20 seconds then it starts to have this irritatingly numbing pain yup! sucks. totally. if another 1 month i can't play, i shall just quit basketball luh seriously, then join... band? i wanna learn how to play the drums! but if i do join. doesn't mean that i can confirm go into the drums segment, later swee swee go into percussion, i tell you ah.. sian diao. hmm so.. maybe join.. drama? xDD NO WAY err.. i also dunno leh.. AHHH~ girl guides ^.^ dream on! hmm.. oooo LIBRARIAN! actually no more already right? ah sian. the most slack cca all no more. librarian is damn shuang one lo, cause i was a librarian when i was in primary school, IT WAS TZI BEST MAN damn slack, enjoy air con, read books, shake leg.. WHOO! loving it. anywayz the friendly against macpherson is during the september holis, i hope i can go and watch! oh. me and hwee min were talking about the basketball team, she said she cannot make it in -.- i told her we have like not alot of people you know? then she was like counting and she finally realised -.- well. i dont think i can make it. i mean if coach do allow. anyway i totally suck now?
fucking hell.. stupid bitch. AHHH fucking think about it makes me.. bloody god damn pissed la! geez! stupid! fuck shit. bloody fuck. i just realise it was fucking stupid can. i mean i never did injure my leg before only bruises, i never sprained my ankle.. or stuff like that. only fracture my arm which is nothing cause i can use the other one and still lead a normal life i mean.. like.. no difference la. then just ONE injure on the knee JUST ONE TIME then kena like that FUCKING RETARDED CANNOT RUN CANNOT JUMP CANNOT SQUAT LIKE WHAT THE FUCK damn.. cb lo.MUSCLE ACHE SIA! cause was trying this pushup thing ha ha!! then now pain like crap
some jumping competition.. jia ling won! xD 50+cm! FAR SIA! i think i jump.. it will be.. damn low.. cause i can't touch the net THANKS FOR REMINDING ME AH JIALING so.. yea.. decided not to jump. my right leg ain't strong ooo heard from man yi penguin jumped 66cm! PRO! so hot! anyway he has been spiking his hair for the past 2 days and it's... HOT HOT HOT HOT WHOO!! ha ha! want to touch! kidding~ hmm.. had some lame dnt test today.. was bloody sleepy, then after that FINALLY had practical. I HATE IT!!! I CAN'T DRILL THE BLOODY HOLE INTO THE ACRYLIC WITHOUT BREAKING IT ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. i did like 2 times?! then CRACK then i asked joshua to help me but he dril into the wrong hole. IT'S OKAYE! shall just continue after holis. STUPID LA why so sway one. -.-
went home. ate. waxed. OHOH i waxed my leg yesterday, it was a success!! whoohoo!! now have smooth leg ^.^ but hmm.. still have some strands la. but from far it looks smooth~ which ROCKS hahah!!! anyway. it doesn't hurt! was like so surprised, i mean have the sound like tearing paper? ha ha! but it doesnt hurt
so.. after that studied for maths test tomorrow and fucking hell i forgot to bring back my textbook -.- make me figure out the formula for median.. zzzz somemore i need to practice those algebra questions.. zzz forget it. gonna fail T.T ahh~
okaye shall go study again. try longman assessment book confirm damn difficult, shall go stress my self out
OH the tee that my bro ordered has arrived! its so.. HOT it's red it colour(i thought it was hot pink) it says ACDC adam/chu dance crew. then at the back say the battle is over but the war is not. something like that shall upload the pic ASAP. anyway have like LOTS of photos i have not upload. just realise my blog is so boring.. shall revive it with PICTURES! soon. xDD
Monday, August 25, 2008 @5:12 AM
guess what i'm doing now..
watching ratatouille with my going to be 20 years old bro and we are like laughing some 5-year olds ha ha! funny lo..
so anywayz forgot to celebrate yesterday hmm okaye shall dedicate a post to... my... KNEE
HAPPY 2 MONTHS TO MY KNEE!!! 1 MORE MONTHS TO GO~ WHOO okaye so now.. about today
hmm.. what happened?
oh some dancing competition thing.. so sad didnt get to dance? xDD hmm..
so did win.. but.. its okaye! haha!!! we are still BONDS OF 2E3!! whee!! lol!
okaye.. so.. that's all? oh
and err..
it's like over already so you guys dont need to know yea?! xDD
oh oh!! chinese lesson was FUN FUN FUN!! damn funny la! hong jun's eyes are HUGE like this--> 0.0 maybe it's bigger! then he give me the look. i can't help but burst out laughing man! its like BLOODY FUNNY LA! haha!!
hmm.. man.. nothing le ha ha!
okaye.. so err... that's probably all.. heee heeeeeee
everytime i see you.. i have this icky feeling in me... ewwww...gross... YUCKS.EUNICE LOVES HAM & PENGUIN YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAAYAYAY!!THANK YOU WEISHAN FOR HELPING ME BUY MY COTTON STRIP ((: LOVE YA!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @5:57 AM
heyyy yooo... hmm...
so far results are like.. pure NONSENSE I TELL YOU.. so.. damn sad la.
chinese--> 32/50
maths--> 46/50
geog--> 39/50
so left 3 more subjects to go..
i dont think i will do well for english and literature.. I'M DEAD
science.. I'M DAMN SCARED.. zzz dead dead dead. this ct2 totally.. haiix.. i think got to start my revision already ZZZ stress!
okaye.. change subject
okaye so.. decided to keep a journal.. HOW RANDOM i know.. really! like..
i feel that writing my feelings down is cool? and also improve my english!! xDD
i'm seriously in a dilemma now..
i mean.. i... seriously dunno.. i think look at guys by their appearance..
like... THATS BAD.. sad.. T.T i dunno la.. omg!!
i'm so confused..
i still reallly really really like you, CPM but.. i dunno you are like.. zzz
then you... i dunno you're like just a friend.. i totally have like no feelings for you?! omg.. i duno...
it's SUNDAY no sun can be seen though. it's like raining and raining.. the weather is REALLY REALLY cold. brrr...
it seems like everyone's running for the bay run thingy except me and I'M DEPRESSED T.T i wanna run.. BADLY like. my bro went to run, the basketball people went to run. HAIIX sad..
THANKS TO THAT CERTAIN MACPHERSON GIRL LA.. zzz forgot what's her name though.. BASKET LA thanks to YOUU i can't run, play basketball, exercise, OR do anything stressful AND THANKS TO YOU i have to stop my slimming dreams. EVERYTIME i think of it.. ZZZ it makes me really really
SAD! ANGRY! FRUSTRATED! URGH!!! ARGH sometimes i feel like giving up.. *sigh* it's like all the training i went through for the holidays(which i can spend for shopping) is used up for basketball training, running 2 and 1/2 rounds around that hill thingy within like 23 minutes or so(what a great achievement can..) then it all goes down the drain cause of this fucking injury, DAMN IT LUHH zzz
okaye, let's just forget about the unhappy stuff and think about the.. good stuff yea? ^.^
okaye.. let's start by.. MY SCIENCE. YAY!!
48/50 WHOO!!! WHOO!! like.. WHOOO!!!! so got highest in class YEA! heeheee finally a result i'm really proud of '':>~)) OLE! *clap clap clap*
i passed my english! but need another half more mark to get B4 -.- 17.5/30
i just passed my lit ^.^ THANK YOU! 12.5/25 sooooo sweet!!
yesterday.. went to downtown east. to actually watch them play but in the end it started only at 4 -.- so long!! then i saw everyone wearing a jersey that they are given and it was all no.12 WHAT'S WITH THAT?! man.. i'm no.12 and i dont have one ))': boo!! so after that didnt know what to do. (shall not talk about the movie) me and debs then made our way to far eat plaza. we didnt know how to go there so debs called peiqing if there is any direct bus or what. she said no she just know that we have to drop at orchard mrt. so we took a bus to pasir ris mrt and we saw.. our 'favourite' basketball friend. debs got the shock of her life! xD so we had a long train ride to orchard.. then changed train at city hall.. OH before we went to far east we stopped at plaza sing to buy my wax xD YAY haha!! OHOH we got stopped by some advertisers for.. kotex? DAMN COMEDY LA! we had to take a picture.. hmm.. so they mad us make our way to the station, and so we did, then we realised that they aren't behind us, and we quickly scurried away xD haha was like laughing out asses off. so after getting my wax we then went to the mrt station to make our way to far eat plaza. and once we reached the station, i heard the song, BLEEDING LOVE! whoo! i kept singing to debs and then suddenly it was playing at the background, so.. coincidental! haha!
finally we took a train to orchard, i think it's only one stop from douby ghaut? yea. we came out from the SUPER crowded crowd and we slowly find our way to far eat plaza. it was raining by the way. fortunately i brought my umbrella! yay! so we walked.. and guessed the way there. i got mixed up with far eat shopping centre and far eat plaza. so first we went to far east shopping centre.. which was some.. ulu place for golf stuff.. we asked the information counter where far east plaza was and he was really kind enough to tell us where THANK YOU! then we made our way back to square one. (here's the good part)
while walking back to the enterance me and debs saw this SUPER DUPER OOPER LOOPER GOD DAMN HOT HOT HOT H-O-T ANG MOH GUY LIKE.. okaye here's the description. BIG hazel eyes(debs said it was blue) AWESOMELY STYLED BROWN HAIR, TALL BUILT, err not too skinny and not too fat JUST PERFECT. so i was like STARING AT HIM 0.0 and making squeeky noises like EEEEKKKK HOT HOT HOT! HOT GUY ALERT! (i dunno whether he heard it anot) then he was STARING BACK AT ME!! so we had this REALLY LONG eye connection LIKE ~~~~~~ electricity~~~~~ WHOOO it was that long before we walked past each other, then i was like DEBS DID YOU SEE THAT GUY!!?! and she was like YEA!!! FREAKING HOT LUHH then she turned back to look, then i turned back not long after, and she told me HE TURNED BACK TO LOOK AT ME NOT LONG AFTER I LOOKED BACK AT HIM!!! WHOO!!!!! WHOO!! then debs told me that i was like JUMPING JUMPING!! WHEE!! HAHA!!! was damn happy luhh!! oh he was wearing blue polo shirt if i'm not wrong MY FAVOURITE COLOUR AHHHHH debs said we both are like fated? but this is the first and last time i'm seeing him T.T sad!! omg... SHOULD HAVE TOOK A PICTURE AT LEAST! GAWDDD HE WAS HOT HOT!!!!! he's like MY perfect guy!! tall. handsome. WHEEEE~ so after that moment, debs kept saying to me like every 5 minute and i was like I KNOW?!! HAHAHA and i act all hysterical haha!! then we FINALLY reached far eat plaza! YAY! SHOPPING!!
so was like walking.. then shopped, bought one halter top BUT with this baggy shirt over it the material of the shirt is like the basketball jersey, i think i'm gonna wear that to my class outing this sat at ECP haha! can't wait for the class party too! whoo! hope both will be a success and also tomorrow is some dance competition thing, sad.. can't dance. stupid knee.. can't do the jumping thing. sorry guys..
BACK TO THE TOPIC so we were like damn urgent and needed the toilet badly, so we were searching for the toilet everywhere and finally found it so peed. then felt hungry so went to find food! whoo! so bought some japanese food.. yum.. then while eating, the blogshop owner smsed me to ask for meeting of the payment of the dress i bought from her shop, so made our way there to choa chu kang. didn't know that it was freaking far away la. it's like all the way to the west side. so met her at 4.30pm whoa.. super long lo.. and when we paid her. me and debs mad our way back to orchard. another SUPER long journey can -.- sian and what after seems like eternity we reached orchard to continue out shopping.. so shop shop shop... and we saw NAPITTHA!! hey hey~~ LOL she bought a new school bag. ooo.. showing me or rather everyone on monday ((: then walked and walked see clothes until eyes pain sia! then debs said cause it was caused by the hot ang moh's eye connection -.- zz so was tired and made out way home.. we took the wrong train... it was a super awkward train firstly. everywhere were couples. like getting all mushy and stuff. secondly there were alot of banglas(no offence) so debs was like talking crap talking and talking and made me laugh like some mad woman. BASKET la you. laugh until stomach pain you know! so after all those torturing minutes we finally reached tanah merah and on our way home! yay!
so went home. super tired.
nothing much happened today... so.. yea
man.. forgot to buy my journal... nvm.. next time
it was the wrong decision to accept you in the first place which i really regretted. and the decision that i chose to let go was right. so i'm now continuing my chase for the impossible, hi penguin again.YOU INSULTED ME!! HOW DARE YOU!
Monday, August 18, 2008 @8:02 AM
hello.. doing the dumb music video.
anyway wanna dedicate this song to debs
Forgive me-Leona Lewis
you know what i mean..
hmmm i dunno whether i should continue.. cause.. i really have no feelings for you..
and.. i dont feel right.. and is totally awkward and.. i dunno.. i just. not right? hmm.. we'll see...
Monday, August 11, 2008 @4:22 AM
exams are like tomorrow?!?@# ZOMG LA!!! zzzz fail liao lo... ENGLISH EXPOSITION totally no clue and cannot memorize the points! zzz GEOG damn it dont mention that.... ZZZZ is like... hmm confirm fail? OBVIOUSLY i dont wanna fail! zzz i failed my class test?! argh... chinese. no clue. maths.... scared too.. science..i think i'm gonna puke.. that all? OMG zz this friday gotta do the err music video? then saturday going on a DATE WITH DEBS woohoo! watching love guru AND SHOPPING SPREE which both of us have been yearning for!!
so.. alot have happened this particular week..
had fever so missed the connecting singapore thing ZZZZ so sad! then.... err... OO on the same day me and debs were listening to MUTTONS TILL MIDNIGHT and SHE DEDICATED A SONG TO ME!! TWICE! haha cause the first time. i listened to the wrong station -.- man i'm dumb haha SORRY! so was like very happy!! then i wanted to send too but then.. zzz i forgot to write my name! wasted! yay! omg was really happy that night ((:
hmm.. something happened last night too.. err.. was taken aback. and was in a dilemma so confronted momma. then i think she also haha! so now settled
man... sometimes. there are things which are suppose to let go.. when time comes.
i'm sure that.. it will get better? hmmm hope that.... i'll get over him.. soon..
I'M SORRYY i know i didnt keep my word..
forgive me?
Sunday, August 3, 2008 @7:22 AM
shall revive my blog?? hmm.. will be updating the pics after examss
you'll be wondering why i'm here well i'm
NOT at SINGFEST.. zzzz
fucking tickets... fucking sold out... fuck shit.. want to cry liao la zzzzzzz
haix.x... sigh..... after exams. i am either staying at home watching GG or.... going out shopping.
haixx so... mugging for exams lo..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz