Monday, December 29, 2008 @11:49 PM
helllooo haven't been updating..
hmm so i have realised that i dont have a friend to call in the middle of the night if i have a crisis..
but i have a brother and a great cousin ((:
thanks for that night!
the next day.. thanks ah yi and feiting
and thanks suvd for the very pretty long-sleeved shirt from one of my favourite brands
and hwee min for the can of sweets ((: and that friendship band and the super duper cute basketball pin. you're so tie xin..
so school is gonna start in another.. 3 more days?! T.T
i shall decide whether i wanna do my chinese homework after i have seen who is my chinese teacher. lol! okaye.. so.. nothing else
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 @7:48 AM
12 mins to christmas.. ehh
ate turkey today!! yum and also cream puff with chocolate on top *slurps* it's from my great neighbour!! not the one with the crazy dogs of course. i am SO darn bored that i am downloading HSM3 songs 0.0 yes.. anyway privileged season 2 will start on jan 6 T.T gossip girl starts on jan 5 T.T zzz.. all the good shows.. then pushing daisies.. mmm i still dont know. T.T bored out my wits. BUT omg omg omg! i cannot wait to see annabelle!! 0.0 i fucking miss her!! her retardedness her laughter.. i think i will cry if i see her ((: i really really really really really miss her!! she's my best best best friend! although i dont share my problems with her but.. AHH i love her man.. i still wish we are in the same sec school.. if i had known that my ACL will tear and basketball was nothing URGH i would have tranferred!! sigh.. shit happens. lalalalalala.. damn.. i should have decided faster.. T.T then can go AUSTRALIA ALSO?!??!!!! T.T URGH!!! so many opportunities that i missed! fuck. nvm. on sunday shall ask her what jc she wanna go to xDD AHHH i can't contact my other BFF shall call her tomorrow.
anyway so far quite alot of people going to the bbq! >.
OH well well it's 12.04
we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry chrismas AND a HAPPY NEW YEAR..
@3:03 AM
Last night I took a walk in the snow.
Couples holding hands, places to go
Seems like everyone but me is in love.
Santa can you hear me
I signed my letter that I sealed with a kiss
I sent it off
It just said thisI know exactly what I want this year.
Santa can you hear me.
I want my baby (baby, yeah)
I want someone to love me someone to hold me.
Maybe (maybe, maybe maybe.) he'll be all my own in a big red bow
Santa can you hear me?
I have been so good this year and all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is near
He's all I want, just for me underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here.Santa thats my only wish this year.oohhh ohh yeah
Christmas Eve I just can't sleep
Would I be wrong for taking a peek?
Cause I heard that your coming to town
Santa can you hear me? (yea yeah)
Really hope that your on your way
With something special for me in your sleigh
Ohh please make my wish come true
Santa can you hear me
I want my baby (baby)
I want someone to love me someone to hold me
Maybe (maybe maybe) we'll be all the love under the mistletoe
Santa can you hear me
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is near
He's all I want just for me
Underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here santa thats my only wish this year
I hope my letter reaches you in time
Bring me love can call all mine(yeah yeah) cause I have been so good this year.
Can't be alone under the mistletoe
He's all want and a big red bow
Santa can you hear me (hear me?)I have been so good this year
And all i want is one thing
Tell me my true love is near
He's all I want. just for me
Underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here (ohh yeah) santa thats my only wish this year
Oh santa can u hear me? oh santa
Well hes all I want just for me underneath my Christmas tree
Oh I'll be waiting here
Santa thats my only wish this year.
although this is not the orginal version.. and is all chipmunk-y and i hate it! but it's my favourite christmas song!! so.. shall tahan abit la ((: well.. ENJOY!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @10:06 AM
*Rule 1: You have been tagged and it is only nice of you to complete every session of the quiz
*Rule 2: Take this quiz seriously, especially the poem part , thats where the fun of this quiz starts!
*Rule 3: Take your time to do this , a rushy answers will spolit the whole fun of this quiz
*Rule 4: Enjoy and blame whoever gave you this quiz :)
P/S, This is no ordinary quiz for your info!-
1) Who was the person who gave you this quiz.
2) What's your relationship with him/her.
3) When was the last time you saw him/her.
-Last wednesday! ((:
4) How did him/her influence your life positively.
-To be a good listening ear((:
5) How did him/her influence your life negatively.
-:// hmmm... none so far
6) How do you feel about him/her.
-She's really special!
7) How possible is it for him/her to be your lover.
-0.0 that'll be just.. bizarre
8) How possible is it for him/her to be your enemy.
-Not possible.
9) Now that you are here , list down the first 3 impression you have when you think about him/her.
-Gorgeous. Retarded. Sexaye
10) What is his favourite colour.
-Izzit blue..? or black..? =x!
-Here comes the fun part . All you have to do is to come up with a poem about his/her name.(And no, dont ever think about ignoring this!)
-Jasline. Gosh i'm a really.. bad poet. T.T this is like going back to english literature class.. and trust me.. literature ain't my forte. here goes nothing..
Just the girl
All guys want
Sizzling hot
Looking great everyday
I love you
Noted by
ok.. that was so not a poem.. SEE told you i'm like.. really bad at it.. so sorry >< it's soo nonsense! haha!!! oh my tian. NEVER LET ME WRITE A POEM
-Now that you are done with the warm-up prepared, it is your turn to pass this quiz around to 5 ''LUCKY'' people !
-It's time to sabo people.! :D
1. Suvd
2. Germaine
3. Ginny
4. -
5. -
**Don't blame me. You guys are the first that comes into my mind. Hahs.!
-11) Is number 1 a male or female, or none of the above.*SUVD
12) Is number 3 in a relationship.*GINNY
-i hope not.. she's way too young!
13) What if number 1 and number 4 are together.*SUVD & -
14) Where does number 4 live.*-
15) When was your last conversation with number 1 and what was his/her last sentence.*SUVD
-Err i dunno leh.. i have a super bad memory
16) What is number 3 favourite colour.*GINNY
17) Does number 3 and 4 know each other.*GINNY & -
-That'll be just..
18) Is number 5 a male or female.*-
-none ^.^
19) What type of music does number 2 like.*GERMAINE
20) How often do you chat with number 1.*SUVD
-If i have a chance to((:
-Now the best part of the quiz
- You have to come out with poems out of the names you tagged (No one must be left out or the quiz would be no fun at all. So get thinking!)
OH C'MON not again!?! luckily i only tagged 3 xDD
suvd.. thank god your name is short xD
Dirty ((:!
Enough to
Yo momma
WOOHOOO!! and i'm done ((: hahaha!! it's so nonsense
OKAYE it's 2.35am.. so it means.. TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS!! ((:
well i dont exactly celebrate it.. but.. haha! to make myself happy and all.. i'm playing "winter wonderland' in my blog.. haha but my favourite christmas song is "santa, can you hear me." like.. DUHH ((: it's by britney spears btw.. xDD omg.. i love katy perry! "if you can afford me" is an awesome song!! ((: hmm.. PRIVILEGED!! omg.. there's this really really really hot guy!! okaye.. not only one but 2!!! *faints* ((: well.. i haven't been socializing lately and scandalising about.. so there's like no scandals in my life.. like.. dreadful T.T BORING so to replace that 'emptiness' i watch really hot hollywood actors xDD BUT gossip girl's latest episode starts next year!! )): no more chace crawford or ed westwick )): !!
urgh. it's raining. and it's so cold!!!! i still can't sleep before 12am yet. well that's because i aint doing anything all day.. so i'm not tired so obviously i can't sleep.
when does school reopen anyway? i'm so confused.. if it's 2nd jan then.. only one day of school and then it's the weekends? :// well.. i haven't even started on the stupid chinese assignment. OH HEY i actually remembered about it. like.. WOW okaye.. shall start that.. tomorrow? doing chinese homework on christmas. WOW how unexpected. well my way of spending christmas. OH WAIT i shall think that raining is snowing. HA make myself a little happy for a sec. well i'm a physco
SO anyway i still love my new haircut haha! mmm.. i miss naps but i haven't got her present yet.. so i am like really scared to see her xDD YOUR PRESENT IS TOUGH and also i have absolute NO MONEY and my parents say that i overspend o.0 but it's my own money.. i'm going to save save save next year! i hope i'm like lucky next year!! so i can win money when playing blackjack.. WIN LOTS LOTS of money for shopping!! oh. i think i'll PERSEVERE and save all the way till the end of the year ((: cause i may be going to K-O-R-E-A!!! OLE?!?! if it's during december.. I"M SO GOING SKIING. but i wanna go lotte world!! sit roller coaster! but i'll most likely be going to the indoor one.
OKAYE why am i blabbering so much..
LOL! shall watch the last episode of privileged )): so fast!
Monday, December 22, 2008 @7:42 AM
i'm in an excellent mood today!! ((:
well it's because i got a
omg.. first time in my like i actually like my fringe >.< haha!
saturday: outing with amira, suvd and maybe hwee min(she hasn't confirm yet)sunday: 6A BBQ!!!!!! ((:OHOH having a end of the year party at a bungalow!!! how freakin' awesome is that!
which means more CAM WHORING sessions with my beautiful cousins!!!! HAAAAAH
well.. i'm still trying to sleep as early as in can.. but i still.. CANNOT )):
well. at least i tried.. right? LOL
shall talk to you when the time is right
Sunday, December 21, 2008 @2:30 AM


he looks like a little christmas socking!!

clearly an IMPOSTER

i am picking up cards to...


a very pretty $50

ginny looks nice here ((:

"can you clear the rubbish please?"

"what you want?!??!"



my brother's first kiss xDD


jasline violated me )): xDD

cheerleading squad


"Once upon a time...."

"there was ME"