Friday, May 29, 2009 @6:21 AM
mmmm parents and teachers conference was pretty fine. ahh result were so.. average. bleh.
i will WORK HARD. (:
OHOH i also wanna have a new school bag. gonna be brown of course. and also a new pencil case. and yes. it's gonna be brown. not going to buy a wallet cause i already have a sexy guess wallet (:
and it's not CHEAP kaori. i know you very rich la huh. my momma got it for me (:
hmm... i want that vans shoes!!!!!!!!
i want a pair of smexy vans shoes! (;
Thursday, May 28, 2009 @5:30 AM
HELLO. haven't been updating cause... I AM SUPER ADDICTED TO THE TV.
omg i love watching keeping up with the kardashians mannnn... wheee
but have to come back during the holidays. __
a maths-.-
so well..
BUBBLE TEA. thanks ah. I HAVE TO stop stop STOP!!!!! stop drinking!!!! eunice, bubble tea makes you fat.
going out to watch movie tomorrow!! wheehee!!! using my emergency money T.T ahhh!!! nvm. shall.. wait for my parents to kindly donate some money to me (:
so anyway the heritage was kinda fun but it was EFFING HOT LA almost melted. and my form teacher is EVIL~ EEEEEVIL I TELL YOU!!!! she pushed my FACE to the METAL statue omg luh. VERY HOT CAN. i was screaming. no one came to save me ): they were busy taking picture. UHHHHHH T.T
but i had great fun. got to know miss ho better. she's nice (:
so gonna collect report book tomorrow >.< ahhh!! hope i dont like.. become last few. =x! my results are so.. shittaye
ANYWAY i wanna dig up a hole and just bury my whole face in it.
will elaborate next time.
walking to school nowadays. i actually take a shorter time walking to school than taking bus. WHEE this means. WAKE UP LATER whee~!!!!
YAY~!!!! what's on your mind?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @4:49 AM
got back 7 papers. one more to go---> chem.
that will decide if i am a B or C. *prays
oh well. my results sucks like.. shit xD!!!
only have ONE pathetic a1. BUT i didnt fail any which i am very very thankful of (:
hope i can get a b3 for chem. then my overall is B whoo
i bet my position in class is.. near end xD! ahhh what the heck! haha!
CONGRATS MELVIN FOR GETTING A FREAKIN 99 FOR E MATHS!!!!! xDand to MALVIN FOR GETTING 97 FOR A MATHS. these people. are. CRAZY I TELL YOU. and and. that deborah for getting highest in her favourite subject. incredible. so that's all for today. I PASSED MY CHINESE. wow. song lao shi is the one who marked the paper. no wonder la she GIVES marks willingly not like my chinese teacher presently. happily minus marks. tsk.
MAN a maths is so..AHHHHH can get like 80+
4 fucking questions careless mistakes at the very crucial steps out of 8 marks i get like 2?! WHFLIDHFLISDHNIWUOHWIBD argh!!! so pissed at myself. i feel like strangling myself. then e maths also. wahhhhh what happened to me!?!!!
sigh sigh sigh nvm shall take this opportunity to learn.. xD!
i've got no quotes today. just. nice hair xD
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @6:24 AM
what can i say huh?
miracles can happen.
well. got back physics, english, bio and SS
i must say that. physics and english and SS are miracles.
bio is kinda disappointing but expected cause well the day before the paper i had a serious headache. LESSON LEARNT: next time PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE DO NOT PUT A MATHS PAPER BEFORE BIO PAPER. PLEASE. it's brain torture man.
so anyway i kinda okaye with my results. i dont expect anything good cause well. i didnt study hard enough to deserve any. 80-90 marks. i think if i get 70+ i'll be like super happy. so yea pretty contented. no As yet. YUP that effing serious. all 60s range -.-
oh well. like i said i dont expect much (: it's just the mid years. so i'm like WHATEVER. i just wanna know where i've gone wrong and MOVE ON WITH LIFE. yea. so made pretty "drastic" mistakes. is that the right word? :/
okaye MAJOR mistakes. well. i'll try not to sleep too much. FOCUS not get distracted by nonsensical stuff (very difficult to avoid) uh huhh. that's my so called conclusion for mid years.
hmm.. that's all for today.
oh i am super duper cranky these days. so dont piss me off. or i will seriously take out a knife from my pocket and just stab you.
FYI i hate being treated like a piece of fuck, so stop doing that before i start doing the same thing to you.LIFE A BITCH, SO ARE piss off!he's outta my league, i'm wasting my time cause he'll never be mine
Sunday, May 17, 2009 @12:43 AM
naps do you know what does that mean?! xD it is spelt like that.haha!!
yesterday was a great day for running. i must say. i enjoyed the run.
when i came back. WOW. my face was like. RED, i looked like i applied blusher or something xDD
gonna run today again if it doesnt rain.
just finished watching GIRL,INTERRUPTED. i must say, it's pretty awesome. it aint some thriller or what. but.. recommended to watch. lots of F words though.
movies to download:
-The Nun
-Meet Dave
-The Omen Trilogy
-Ghost House
-Hansel and Gretel
-Let the Right One In
muahahahaha 5/6 is horror ((:
gonna go starbucks at siglap tomorrow to do the online assessment with naps and weisong.
WHOO coffee and work. life is good. (:
can't wait for school to reopen though. it's hell boring at home and yea pretty much rotting.
but the only think I wanna avoid is. getting the test papers back. seriously, i dont think i'll do very well y'know. so not very ecstatic about getting to know my marks. ahhh what the heck. i just dont wanna FAIL any subjects. *social studies* zzzzzzzzzzz stupid whitewash.
oh yea, needa get the class t-shirt design done asap
things to do today:
-put songs in my thumbdrive for naps
-watch tv
did you edit me out of your mind
'cos in a flash you had disappeared, gone
Friday, May 15, 2009 @9:16 PM
soooo i found this
KOREAN VERSION of insomnia. it's so sexaye.
so.. it was raining yesterday so i didnt go for my run. BUT i am DETERMINED to run today! WHOO. i didnt finish my to-do-list yesterday. ahh felt really lazy..
and i checked my piggy bank money. guess what. I LEFT FUCKING $8?!!!! w.t.f although i still have $100 BUT THAT IS FOR AN EMERGENCY. $8.$8. i can't even GET a movie ticket. wow. i am.. SAVING MAN. not gonna eat.
okaye let's see.. erm. movies to watch..
YES YES YES!!! and it's in 3-D yawww whee hee! can't wait (((:
downloading girl,interrupted. my dad said it is a damn awesome show. it's about this mad girl in the mental hospital. HAHA something like that. so excited! xD
oh i watch E! entertainment. and they were talking about horror movie curses. uh huhh and the scariest movie curse is from the show called poltergeist. AND i'm downloading that (((: whoohoo! they also said that the movie is indeed really scary WHOOO awesome much.
OOOO yesterday i watched american pie 2 OMG fucking funny man! i laughed my heart out, my brother was there too xDD
june holidays are coming and i have no savings for shopping. i made a vow to myself. NOT TO SHOP FOR UNNECESSARY THINGS. uh huhh. i'm now gonna shop at only topshop, zara and other nice brands. not gonna waste my money on other things. uh huhh. i have made it VERY clear to myself ((:
i shall watch like one or two movies during the holidays. MOVIE TICKETS ARE FUCKING EXPENSIVE urghh!!
lalalala i miss this guy right here.
UH HUHH i took it (: i know my photography totally rocks. thank you thank you (:
things to do today:
-read the newspaper?!
-clear study table.
somehow, i feel very empty inside.
@2:11 PM
what's up my crappy world!!
should i stay home for the next.. 4 days?? hmm... NAHHH
i need to get like lots of things. and my wax seems to be not on sale. :/ maybe i shall use other brands or something.
let's see.. yesterday after bio paper, went out with naps. caught a movie at marina square. HORSEMEN. uh huh.. there were only 4 people in the theatre. it's NC16 btw. and naps is 16 and i am 15. how did i get in. HAHAHA funny story.
so naps had planned it all out before we went into the theatre. she brought 2 ics. one written in thai and one written in english. the one with thai had her picture so i used the one written in english. xD!!! i had to pretend in didnt understand english. :D haha!! so i kinda practiced?! i mean. i tried to NOT laugh. it's difficult for me not to laugh okaye... so in the end, when we were all prepared. THE PERSON DIDNT EVEN ASK US FOR OUR ID. i held my laughter all the way to the cinema hall. and then I LET OUT MY EVIL LAUGHTER xD!!! it was super loud and naps said that was super not cool. -.- W.
after the movie naps was like. WHAT KIND OF SHOW WAS THAT. then i was like. TOLD YOU WE SHOULD WATCH UNINVITED. xD kidding la. it was a pretty nice show. but i prefer SAW ((: weets~!
oh before we went to marina square, we headed to see tampines 1. in the end. it was nothing very special. except there was TOPSHOP and. NET and dont forget esprit! WHOOO WHOO!!! dont need to go to like orchard or what for topshop (((: whee hee!! anywayz. my skirt i want. IS NOT SELLING ANYMORE. FUEU$#!#!!I# JF(IH(**$U)(*$_(#_#_#~!!(($&%%& URGH. i regretted not buying it on my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FCUK!!!!!! arrrggghhhh. but i got another skirt in the end. it's blue. (: gonna save save save! cause i want to get 2 other skirts altogether like $100+?! *faints* that'll take me.. 5 weeks to save. WTF?! zzzz
nvm i just hope my results will be reasonable enough so my parents can reward me with presents and i'll be like I WANT THAT THAT...AND THAT *winks*
went home after the movie. was super super tired. and time seem to pass really slowly. i thought it was 1100+ already. ended up it was only 9.30pm. 0.0 wow. went to sleep around 1130. and.. woke up at 12pm (((: wonderful. the weather is like super hot and sunny. GREAT weather to tan but i read vogue magazine saying that tanning ain't good. ahh what the heck i shall just apply lotion of SPF 45 (like i will remember).
planning to go jogging today. maybe late in the evening. gonna start my diet routine.. maybe today? or next week? xD shall depend on my mood.
getting really emotional lately though. god knows why. oh right. thank you puberty.
things to do today:
-clear closet.
-change bed sheet.
-clear floor and table.
-entertain myself with comedy movies.
-find that lily allen song(found it)
Saturday, May 9, 2009 @9:55 PM
mother's day celebration with cousins

TADAAAA so preeetaye! ((:
okaye erm... shall write more stuff tomorrow. currently really really tired. erm. EXAMS ARE OVER!!!! (((: erm. WHOO HOOO no school for 4 days!!! haha! awesome much