Tuesday, November 30, 2010 @7:46 AM
i am here now cause i am seriously
BOREDdangdangdangdannggg.i am not doing anything because i just have too many things on my hands now
i wanna do this.
and i also wanna do that.
i just cannot decide which one to do now!!
i feel empty..
maybe because i havent shopped.
i'm gonna
LET IT ALL OUT from 18dec (that week)
i feel so much more carefree as compared to last year
because i dont have to worry about
"sigh i still have a pile of math worksheets waiting for me at home" or
"how much homework do i have left" and the blablabla
IT IS ALL OVERomg i cannot believe it is actually happening to me!!!
the thought hasnt really sunk into my head yet. and i dont feel like it's anything special
i dunno why..
it's so weird...
i'm weird...
there's something wrong with my mind.
but mum said i have BABY(????) nails. WTF and it is difficult to paint on.
BTW my mum is AWESOME at painting nails. i am serious
she is like super creative at painting nails. i shall post some pictures soon.
when she paints her nails and show off to me.
i'm starting work tomorrow. from 3pm-2am.
there is overnight allowance which is $5 more
but what a waste. there's another event on friday. i could have earned more money.
but i have mnet concert (IT BETTER BE GOOD)
SERIOUSLY DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW SHORT OUR HOLIDAYS AREi seriously have lots of plans and stuff
but looking at the calendar.
I AM SO DISAPPOINTED.MAJORLY.DISAPPOINTED.period.sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
that is all i can do...
i wanna go out and partaye.
i'm just kidding.
i dont have the mood
oh well.. i just i am stuck at home.
my parents and i are going HOUSE HUNTING this holiday!!
dad wanna sell this house for 1.4million. ((:
so we have MORE money to buy new furniture and renovate the new house
mummy loves mansionate(no idea how to spell)
ME TOO!! whooo!!
dad loves.. BIG space. like huge ass houses.
my parents are looking for houses in pasir ris. preferably the same one as my old chinese tuition teacher. oh her house is HUGE it's a mansionate IT IS BEAUUFITUL
i loved it
mum loved it
dad hasnt seen it so he doesnt know
nice view so i can rest my eyes after studying (:
dad said that i can change all the furniture in my room
he said i can have a bigger bed. but i'll have a smaller room.
i'll choose a bigger room!! bigger than my brother's one (nehnehnipoopoo)
i want a nice closet.
room colour.. i dunno man.
i need to choose a theme.
should i go for a chic room. then i'll paint my room dark.. and like. modern type
or should i go for a youthful, young taste. then i'll paint my room yellow and light brown.
or should i go for pure. white.
i should like go search for ROOM INSPIRATION or something (does that even make any sense o.0)
I AM SO FREAKIN EXCITED THAT I'LL BE SHIFTING10years. it has been 10 years in this house (:
i've cried here. laughed.
so many memories.
i'll miss this place.
i really will (:
shall take more pictures of my house before i go. cause i'll forget.
but when the time comes.
what shall i do now..i shall watch a drama. OHOHOHOH i finished watching hammer session.
i cried.
last episode.
Sunday, November 28, 2010 @2:15 AM
currently watching MAMA
hope they win OH YEAHHHHH winwinwin!
currently watching
OMG gNA!!!! hope they win.
ooo miss a... EEEEEEEEEEE nine muses confirm wont win.
wow.. sistar.
who winss.... the best new artist female.
OMG MISS A!????!!!! wowwww min is crying like mad..
booo i wanted GnA oh well i like miss a too.
i am typing and watching at the same time. AWESOME hahaha
though cant understand what they are talking about.
wowow nichkhun just had a solo shot. blehhhh.
OMG WOOOYOUNG oh yeahhhh
there arent much people there though.. :/ haha
wow miss korea looks really gorgeous
okay nothing much happened today.
Saturday, November 27, 2010 @8:14 AM
ooooh yeaahhh....
havent been updating.. mmmm i guess there isnt much happening now
went out on monday tuesday and wednesday.
suppose to go out on thursday but my skin didnt allow me to
shall i talk about my days?? i think it'll bore you. so i'll skip that
on tuesday i went to register for a job at resorts world.
thanks to JASLINE NEO for the job recommendation
me debs jialing and peiqing could skip the interview and got accept right away.. BOOYAHH
got me all so worried about the interview.
besides the schedule is really flexible (:
shall not go into details.
I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yayyy!!!!!
now i have something to do.
it's only the second week of my holiday but i feel that it is ending very soon
sigh... why must our results be released so early... :/
let's not get reminded about that..
on wednesday my mum brought me to do facial! ((:
so i went to do ma facial. (oh yeaahhh)
it was awesome.
i could feel her squeezing out every pimple... or zit. and clear the blackheads(though it's still there :/)
but my skin got so dry afterwards that i had some red patches(?) on my face...
mm not too good especially when i have a tanning session the next day.
so i went to put some lotion/moisturizer but...
it did not work
the next day. it was the same.. very dry..
i think if i went to suntan. my skin would literally peel off (not a good sight)
so i stayed indoors.. ):
do you know that i am seriously very fair.
I HATE ITi dont know why some girls like to be fair.. putting the SKII shit. BLEHHHH
i dont like my fair face.
makes me look...
PLAINsigh i wanna get tanned real badly.. :/
ANYWAY~ 7 more days! 7 more freaking days before i can see my idol~~
i am sooo freakin excited i dont know what to sayyyyy~!!!! omgomgomgokay.... fan girl momentmmm im outta things to say.. so i am talking nonsense.. posting anything that comes to mind
OH i havent kept up with my dramas.. (boooo!!)
i finished watching my girlfriend is a gumiho AND I FREAKIN LOVE IT!!! i cried. i meant tears fell down (maybe cause i was having my period) YAHHHH omg. i love that show.
then i caught up with grey's anatomy.. i am at season 7 (: i also caught up with how i met your mother and 90210. WHOOO! i watched hammer session. though not done yet cause the buffering SUCKS LIKE SHIT and i cannot stand it. i also watched liar game (FREAKIN NICE SHOW) mmhmmm the last 2 shows are japanese~ i love love love love hayami mokomichi (i have to keep saying it to remember) HE IS FREAKIN HOT I WANT THAT KINDA BOYFRIEND O.M.G. tan.tall...tall.hot. WAHHHH *Faints*

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... OH YEA
wanna hear a fact of the day......

YES peanut.
the question is...
is it a nut? is it a root?
what exactly is a peanut.
WELLLL answers from wiki
peanut, or
groundnut (
Arachis hypogaea), is a species in the
legume "bean"
family (
A legume fruit is a
simple dry fruit that develops from a simple
carpel and usually
dehisces (opens along a seam) on two sides. A common name for this type of fruit is a
pod, although the term "pod" is also applied to a few other fruit types, such as
vanilla and
source from wiki
I KNOW RIGHHHTTTT so interesting~~ anyway you can go to wiki to learn more about the history~~ HAHA

i just wanted to post this.
PS I PLUCKED MY BROWSS!!! the facial person asked me if i wanted to pluck my brows and i was like. OKAY. i wanted to pluck them anyway!! it looks nice (: very neat. you wanna see a picture of it? wait till the camera loves me.




NO MIN WOO!!!!!!!!!!! he's hot! but he kinda looks like a girl to me.

shin min ah. sigh... so hot

LIAR GAMEEEEE no hot guys.. sadly



old cast


oh yeahhhh~~

Sunday, November 21, 2010 @12:46 AM
and yes i am back!i know how you enjoy reading my entry so i decided to just blab on nonsense.
well.. can you believe it.
i survived o levels!
yes i did not commit suicide
yes i didnt have a nervous breakdown
yes i didnt have a sudden blackout in any papers
i just went with the flow
so 2010 is coming to an end..
it has been a good year i guess..
it was boring at first and then the typical bitch conflict began.
oh well i guess it's just us girls.
we need to have a conflict each year to keep our ego going
i mean i have to admit.
there isnt a year, in my life, that went through without a conflict.
oh well. all in all it's still a good year.
graduated like FINALLY. it's surprising how time really just pass you by without you even realizing. so many things changed. you see the people around you change. you see yourself change. and sometimes you look in the mirror and go, WHO IS THAT. we all have that moment. i guess everyone goes through that transition. it's a secondary school thing i guess. i remember the length of my skirt in primary school never went above my knees. yeahhh this is how much i changed.
change is good i guess.. it makes you feel like you're all grown up. I AM FREAKING 16!!! going on 17~ this holiday.. is a life changing event. i'm gonna go for a makeover kinda shit. i wanna change myself. i look back and i go. omg... is that really me. i make stupid mistakes.. and realise how childish i was. mmm not exactly very proud of my past decisions.. :/
it's kinda early to do a end of the year reflections right? xD i guessed so too.. but there's nothing much to write since i've been hiding myself at home. not wanting to see the new world and what is out there.. cause i dont feel like going out with my face like this..
REGRET. gawwd this word is probably the worst in the vocab world.
there are so many things i regret.
eating too much during my exams due to stress..sighh.. it's hard to go back to normal now that i have gain weight. (though i never really weighed myself :/) I DONT DARE OKAY. i am scared of that freaking scale. i can SEE the results and.. also FEEL. when i feel better of myself, that means i lost weight (: JANG
mmmm been really bothered lately... it never really bothered me that i am like.. bigger than the others (i'm putting it very nicely) but for the past few days.. it really hit me.
people always comment. EUNICE YOU'RE SO FAT (indirectly) ever since i had some major weight gain in p5. and in p6 i was... freaking massive. (shall upload a picture for evidence) people always say how fat i was.. giving me names.. but it never really bothered me. i just shrugged it off (for almost.. 5 years?) i continued eating.. and eating.. i never become anorexic or bulimic. cause seriously it never bothered me at all. that i was fat. but i guess i blame the hormones and the age.. i came to secondary school. (been called names again) then i heard some success storied of weight loss and was very tempted to lose weight. and so i was on the journey of losing weight.
there was basketball practice... and i started running (i never passed my 1.6km run i primary school) but that never made me lose weight. it was when i was in sec 2 i became really ill.. i didnt eat.. i always puke. and this lasted for 4-5 days. that was my "turning point" i cant remember how much weight i lost but i know that i lost quite a bit. so i was happy. (duh) and i started being complacent and continue to eat. I LOVE FOOD THAT MUCH. cant blame me.
then sec 3 was my peak year i would say. i felt slim for once. but.. it was only lasted for a while before i started eating again. and i gained weight. then came sec 4. o level year. i kinda knew i will gain weight. i was mentally prepared for that. and so i did.
i thought i wont be bothered by it. but i was wrong.. i am bothered by the fact i look like shit. seeing photos of me. i feel disgusted and ashamed of myself. i never felt so low before. i thought after o levels i will be as high as the sky. but no. actually i felt worse. i cant even look in the mirror now. cause all i see is a fat blob. sigh.
what made me feel worse is not me. but the people around me. sorry i have to say this. i am not pinpointing anyone specifically i am saying in general. i guess you have to give credit to the media for doing a great job in instilling the image of a perfect body into a young girls mind. through kpop for example. girls are always jealous after they see their idols being so skinny.. so sexy. and how guys drool over them. treating them like goddess.. and it's not only the guys who act like that. now. even some girls act like that. treating them as role models. treating them as a figure. of a perfect body.
so if you hear any girl saying, I AM SO FAT COMPARED TO ____, LOOK AT MY ARM/THIGHS AND LOOK AT HERS, MINE LOOK SO ENORMOUS, blablabla. they no longer exercise or lose weight to attract guys, but the do this in order to be accepted in this materialistic world.
even though they may skinny as hell. you can still hear them say those words. am i annoyed? am i bothered? FUCK YEAH. i mean they are already skinny, and FINE do they have to make me feel like i am the fattest in the room? so kudos to the media. for making me feel like i am some fat blob. i hear one of my cousin who is so freaking skinny. like she is gonna break anytime, say that she is FAT. at that moment i can really feel my heart shatter. and that was when she knew about kpop.
i really dont understand these people. i honestly dont. sometimes i pity these kind of people. cant blame them for having such low self esteem. i know that now i sound like i have low self esteem. but trust me. i have one of the highest self esteem anyone can ever imagine. so dont judge what i write.
i cant seem to think what to write next. so i guess this is the end of my entry. gonna go jogging now. though it really doesnt work. but. it keeps my heart healthy. sighsighsighsighsigh. i dunno what's wrong with me. but i know there's a lot of grammatical error in my post. and my english sounds a bit off. cause i honestly cant be bothered about it.
so just "tahan" yeah.
mmmmmmmm... i dunno what to think anymore.