Monday, August 8, 2011 @4:11 AM
whoops!! i forgot to update my blog!
so it's the 3rd entry for this year! haha
YAYYY long holidays!
but i haven't been using it very productively.. WHOOPS
so erm. i have like.. test on thursday and friday.!
damn dayyuumm.
somehow i no longer complain about the long days. the pile of homework. the tests.
i've come to terms with the shitty life i have and i just have to stop complaining you know?
and just accept the shit that comes in your way
so i lead a boring life... not much fun.
not much partying.
but i guess i'll have to wait. i can see that when i go to university. i'll have my fun.
let's not get too caught up with fun yeah?
take it slow.. baby steps and we will get there.
tomorrow's national day!
i always loved watching NDP. it's like.
i love NDP songs... and i will try my best to remember the lyrics and sing along with it
it's better if there's a dance to the ndp song
like We Will Get There and Reach Out For The Skies. (:
i cant seem to recall what's the NDP theme song last year!
what's up with that!
mm.. i hope tomorrow i will be filled with drive and motivation to study!! i need to complete my promo packages and consolidation exercises. ANDDD section Bs of my math tutorial so i can ASK for consultation and be a typical MJ nerd
okay i kinda look forward to my nerdy self. cause i wanna see what comes out of my hard work.
i mean if my result's still shit right....
oh well. i still have to work hard right?
i really want to get promoted!!! cant live with this STRESS and. PRESSURE for another year!!! it's way too much for me.
oh and i wanna get PW done and over with!! like seriously!! it's getting on my ass.
alright. i have nothing much else to say.
WHO READS MY BLOG i really wonder. haha! oh well
i like talking to myself once in a while.
and to end of

McFly!!! YAYYY!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 @3:41 AM
it's another boring day. of my boring life yet again!
but i guess today was pretty alright.
i was NOT TIRED AT ALL. did not fall asleep in any lesson.
oh wait! i did! haha while doing GP paper
omg.. the passage was fucking hard to understand!!! it was something about belonging in community... then what individualism shit. OMG fail!!!!
somemore the teacher said this passage is easier than promos
gonna fail promos compre! as usual~
so i got back my EOM draft..
somehow i like to do EOM. haha!! cause it is quite easy!! (:
dunno how some people can be so stressed about it.
maybe cause i have a good PW teacher. thank you!
mmm... as usual, nothing really happened in school
not that i can think of..
hmmm... really sia.
omg my school life is damn boring!
everyday just repeats itself. over and over again.
and i always dont know how i wake up everyday, to go to school.
i am very amazed. (:
omg... my back really hurts a lot.
shall ask my mum to massage for me.
OMGOMGOMG i think i am putting on weight
cause my skirt is like.. kinda tight.. so i cant pull it down
so it's like very short! OH NO.
yeah so that's about it. OHOH i need to share a song. omgz... the lyrics is damn awesome!!
like seriously i love it.
super meaningful
Less Than Jake - The Science of Selling Yourself ShortI've come to my senses,
That I've become senseless,
I could give you lessons on how to ruin your friendships,
Every last conviction, I smoked them all away,
I drank my frustrations down the drain, out of the way,
So I sit and wait and wonder,
"Does anyone else feel like me?"
Someone so tired of their routines and disappearing self-esteems,
[Chorus:]I'll sing along,
Yeah with every emergency,
Just sing along,
I'm the king of catastrophies,
I'm so far gone,
That deep down inside I think it's fine by me,
I'm my own worst enemy
I could be an expert on co-dependency,
I could write the best book on underage tragedy,
I've been spending my time at the local liquor store,
I've been sleeping nightly on my best friends kitchen floor,
So I sit and wait and wonder,
"Does anyone else feel like me?"
I'm so over-dosed on apathy and burnt out on sympathy.
[Chorus]Let the meaning slip away
Lost my faith in another day,
Self deprication seems okay,
I never thought I'd make it anyway
[Chorus]I'm my own worst enemy
[x5] WHOOOO!!!! i shall end off with a.... PICTURE OF...
Monday, August 1, 2011 @7:38 AM
yes i am back to blogging!
so far i only know ONE person who has been an active reader.
HI DEBORAH! LOL!!!!i know you're reading this.
so this girl asked me to blog so as to erm.....
sigh, the things i do to improve my memory.
I HOPE THIS REALLY HELPS cause like.. if it doesnt. omg it will be a fucking waste of time yo
ooooo check out my short hair!!! omg. i look stunning. HAHHA self praise only
so... let's see erm. today is like.. a monday.
there is training... and bio prac. today is a fucking long day like O.M.G
so i am super tired luh.
i am changing my body clock again.
cause that will make me very tired.. and.. tired. HA
so back to being a normal person and wake up at 6am. sleep at 11pm. or somewhere there.
so anything funny/entertaining that happened today.? hmmm...
not that i can think of la.
OHOHOH my vball couch is damn fierce!!!
she said she was very annoyed that our vball not encouraging enough SO
omg... 50 at one shot. somemore i did more cause... the rest did a little slower.. then recount.
then i think i did 6 more.
AHHHH arm pain.
oh shit... tomorrow have timed compre for GP. wahh fuckfuckfuck.
i hate compre can NEVER understand it. is like too cheem!!
and i have very limited vocabulary AS YOU CAN SEE. so i cant seem to like.. USE MY OWN WORDS like wtf.
okay first period tomorrow is BIO tutorial and i havent done the tutorial.
wtf i dont even have the damn tutorial. i wonder why..
so i went to like photocopy from Arun, which he had already done.
so i photocopied his answers.. HAHAHA so it's like. DONE
oh wellz.. i am so tired from training. i need salonpas on my shoulders
been doing service and spiking. i must say i have been improving!
coach says that i can hit even harder! woohoo! i am strong yo!
okay.. it was suppose to be a short post la.
i think i'm very naggy. either that or i have not been blogging for a long time and i have a lot of shit to say!
ahaha!!! so whoever is reading this. THANK YOU.
hope i have entertained you with my boring life. WHOOOO.
will update again tomorrow!! ((: